Chapter 4 Revenge ~Electricity's POV~

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Ok so this chapter is violent and is very descriptive. please don't take any of this seriously for this is just a book, not reality. (the picture at the top is The house that they break into)


Jeff just looked at me, expressionless. Then a smile slowly crept onto his face.

"What kind of revenge...?' Jeff asked, getting excited.

I showed him the Facebook posts and explained that they have always bullied me and what happened yesterday. I saw him frown for a split second, but then smile psychotically again. He picked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed at him.

"I know where they live. We are getting revenge!" he said, laughing insanely, while jumping out my window, me still on his back. He started walking into the woods.

"Where are you going? The house is the other way!" I said pointing to the left.

"Its a shortcut." Jeff explained. I just kept silent and let him carry me.

'I kinda like this... oh god what am i saying?!' I thought to myself.

After about and hour of walking through the woods, we made it to the house. It was a big mansion. I saw a light on and heard giggling from the room. The parents must have been asleep. Jeff took the top left window, I took the right.

When i got through the window, i was in a long hallway. At the end, was a cracked open door where the giggling was coming from. I made my way down the hall. I looked in the room and saw 6 girls. Britney, Ashley, Niome and 3 other girls from school were all sitting in a circle on the floor. I smiled. Then i heard a muffled Scream come from the other room at the end of the hall.

'Looks like Jeff is having fun.' I thought to my self.

While none of the girls were looking my way, I stuck my hand into the room and against the wall and felt around. Then I hit the light switch. They screamed.

"Everyone be quiet! It must be a power outage!" Britney calmed everyone down. I could slightly see them from the light of the moon. It was gleaming through the big window. "Stacy," Britney said, talking to one of the girls. "Can you go wake up my parents and tell them the power went out?" She asked, and she handed the girl named Stacy a flashlight.

"Yea sure, be right back" She said to everyone as she headed for the door.

I moved out of the way to so she could get past without noticing me.

After she was a few feet away from the bedroom, I grabbed her and covered her mouth. Her screams were muffled by my hand. I slit her throat and i could here her gurgling and choking over her own blood.

"Sweet Dreams~" I whispered in her ear as i felt her body becoming weaker, then finally, it relaxed. I let her body fall to the ground.

'Five more' I said in my head.

Britney, Ashley, and Niome were talking with each other while the other 2 girls were on the other side of the room talking. Before i turned the lights back on, i snuck into the room and stood behind one of the girls. While her friend wasn't paying attention, I killed the one girl. I silently laid her to the ground. The other girl turned my way looking for her friend. she looked confused.

"Saiko-?!" The other girl started to say. I quickly put my hand over her mouth. She squirmed.

"Sweet Dreams~" I whispered in her ear.

I sliced her neck and i slowly felt her body relax. I laid her to the ground. I reached for the light and turned it on. When the light came on, the three girls looked my way. Behind them i saw Jeff. He was smiling insanely and had fresh blood splattered on his face and hoodie and it was dripping off his knife. His smile widened as the girls screamed and he kicked each if them in the back. I slowly walked toward them. Their eyes widened.

"Lets Have Some Fun!~"

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