Chapter 10 The Dream ~JTK POV~

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I knew that i was in a dream. Everything was very vivid and clear, but when you looked closely, it was cartoony and fuzzy. I never usually have dreams, so this was weird. But when i do, they were about killing random victims. That's what this dream was about, only, it was hard to call this a dream. It was more of a nightmare.

I was walking through the woods. I kept hearing my name being called, Then i realized it was Tricy's voice. I followed her voice until i found her. She was standing is a meadow, smiling. I smiled back. I got that fluttery feeling again. I walked towards her. Then she revealed a knife that was hidden behind her back. I stopped. Then she disappeared. I froze. Then i felt a piercing pain in my back. I fell to the ground. Then Electricity appeared in front of me and lifted up my chin. She took her knife and sliced my neck. I then blacked Out~


I know this one is SUPER short, But ill put another one up, but that ones gonna be really short too haha sorry guys! and the next chapter is whats going to be going on WHILE Jeff is sleeping and having this dream.

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