Chapter 7 The Spear's Mess

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Y/n's POV

The four of us were on our way to a village that had ordered a bunch of herbicide. "So, did the merchant say anything about why they needed this much herbicide?" I asked, looking back into the wagon. Big brother shook his head while looking at one of the bottles of herbicide. "He didn't say anything else, just that a village ordered this enormous supply of herbicide." Big brother explained. I nodded as the road started getting bumpy from what appeared to be vines growing across the road. "This is crazy." I said, holding onto the bench. The road was getting worse as we got closer to where we were supposed to drop off the herbicide. "Master, the plants here are amazing." Filo said. Big brother got up and came to the front to see the vines growing everywhere. "Guess he's right. They need tons of herbicide." Big brother said. I felt my ears flick as I started hearing some movement near us. I looked around, trying to see if there were people around us or if it was a monster of some sort. "Master Naofumi, look there." Big sis said, pointing out a large fort area. Big brother looked up at the fort before nodding. "Alright Filo, get us up there as fast as you can." Big brother said. Filo picked up her speed and got us up to the little fort that was made. We entered the fort after saying that we were merchants who brought the herbicide with us. We met with the person who placed the order with the merchant for the herbicide.

"I don't know how to thank you enough. This place was about to fall prey to the vines too." The man said. I looked around seeing that the vines that made the road rough to travel on growing over the fort walls. "How about burning them? Or did you already try that?" Big sis asked. The man we were talking to shook his head as he looked at big sis. "Certainly, we tried everythingw e could think of. We even resorted to summoning adventurers, but the situation is worse then before. Our village was already over run by the vines. What's worse is the plants started turning into monsters and began attacking us." The man explained.

"Monsters?" I asked. As I asked the question of plants becoming monsters there was a scream in the distance that I turned towards. "Some adventurers went to level up, but when they departed they had no idea what was waiting for them. I begged them to stay." The man explained. Big brother turned towards where Filo was before speaking up. "Filo! Find the adventurers and bring them back here." Big brother ordered. Filo turned looking at us as I saw her finishing off a couple berry looking plants. "Okay." Filo said, before taking off. She ran out of the fort walls heading towards the village that was overrun with plant monsters. When she came back she was carrying three men under her wings before rudely dropping them on the ground. I panicked and rushed over using some of my healing magic to start healing them. "Filo you can't just drop someone like that. You could seriously hurt them." I pointed out. Filo looked at me confused before looking at big brother. "There were plant monsters all over the place. Some were even spitting acid or poison at me while I was getting the adventurers. Why would these guys go there when they're so weak. They must be stupid, you know what I mean?" Filo asked. 

"You really didn't have to say that last part." Big sis scolded.

"I agree with big sis. That was rude to say about these adventurers." I added. Filo looked at big sis clearly confused before sighing as big sis continued to scold Filo for what she said. As they were going back and forth I heard some of the other villages speak up. They started mentioning that Filo was talking before I heard the name that the people around the villages gave big brother. "It's the Savior of the Heavenly Fowl." A villager said. I finished healing the three adventurers before standing up between Filo and big sis. "Look Filo, big sis is right you shouldn't say things that are rude to people while they're unconcious. Big sis, while it's true that Filo was rude to these adventurers you also can't blame her since these three didn't look into what they were fighting before going out there." I said, settling their argument. Once their argument was settled I walked back over to big brother and sat down next to him. "Please good sir, tell us are you really the savior who travels in a carriage drawn by the Heavenly Fowl?" The man asked.

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