The Morning After

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She wakes up after rolling over on her Grammy trophy. Her eyes open as she is awoken by the thing that made her night. Quickly realizing she isn't in her house she rises up to see she is in fact at Liam's. Crawling out of bed she looks over as she sees all her stuff on the nightstand.

"Hey Liam," she says out loud as she has no idea about last night.

She walks out of his bedroom and goes down the hall to the living room. Liam is passed out on the couch with no blanket or nothing as Tessa watches him sleep. Realizing he let her sleep in his bed she found that very gentleman-like. She goes into the kitchen where she gets a bottle of water as she hears someone opening the front door.

"Hello my successful musicians," says Milton out loud as he sees Liam asleep on the couch.

"Hey Milton," says Tessa as he sees her still in her dress.

"Yeah I know you had a rough night but I figured he was fine considering the fact," says Milton as Tessa is confused.

"Considering what," she says as Milton shows her the photos paparazzi took of him carrying her inside. She looks at it for a while as she looks over at Liam sleeping.

Milton wakes him up as he throws a pillow at him. "Jesus," says Liam as he is awoken by a disturbance.

"Good morning," says Milton as Liam is not ready to get up.

Tessa walks into the bedroom and goes into her bag to see all the missed calls from Matthew. "Shit," she whispers to herself as she knows what that's about already.

Liam gets up as he sees his Grammy he left on top of the fireplace shelf. He smiles instantly as he can wake up to that every morning now. Tessa sits on his bed as she reads the messages Matthew sent her. She decides to go ahead and call him as she knows he is going to be upset by the photos.

"It's good to see you're alive," says Matthew as Tessa kind of gets turned off by that.

"Sorry I had too much fun at the Grammy after-party last night," she says as Matthew decides to jump to the photo.

"I saw that... on every social media outlet last night," he says as Tessa was hoping to avoid an argument.

"I got super drunk and he helped me inside. Isn't that what you would want your friends to do instead of leaving me or having someone else do it," she says as Matthew tries to think about how he wants to proceed with the conversation.

In the living room, Milton asks Liam about last night. "So she got pretty drunk last night and you didn't which I found super odd," he says.

"Yeah, I just had a good time talking to other bands and stuff I didn't drink a lot. Tessa on the other hand was wasted. She threw up in the bushes before we got into the limo," laughs Liam as Milton laughs at the thought.

"So should I ask if something is actually brewing between the two of you or am I just falling into the fans mind," he asks as Liam shakes his head no.

"No, we are just friends and professionals. She dates my best friend and I respect that," says Liam as Milton makes quite the statement.

"And if she wasn't dating your best friend," he asks as Liam looks over at him not knowing how to respond.

Out of nowhere, they hear her yelling and they both walk over to see what's going on. "You have been giving me hell about this and no you say that," she says as she is visibly upset.

"I just wanted to ask it to get it off my chest," says Matthew as he doesn't want to argue.

"No nothing has happened between us the fact you would even question me about that is ridiculous. He is your best friend for crying out loud and would never. I am your girlfriend of almost three years, not three months, three years," she says as Liam and Milton decide to not even get into that heated argument.

Liam walks to the kitchen as he grabs some orange juice and thinks about everything. He is pretty offended Matthew would believe that as he has not done anything to pursue her. Everything he has done was to support her as a friend and the girlfriend of his best friend. Yeah, he has had some thoughts about her looks or how much fun he has with her but never has he acted upon those.

"Look I'm not saying anything else about it but we need to get over to SoFi stadium for the concert tonight," says Milton as Liam agrees.

"Tessa I'm sorry it's just so hard when I'm not with you. I should've never questioned you and I'm sorry," he says as Tessa clams down.

"I'm not mad at you I'm just disappointed that you would even question me on that. It's good to know you don't trust me," she says as Matthew makes a bold statement.

"It's not you I trust you, babe," says Matthew as she says something that catches Liam's ear.

"So you don't trust Liam is what you're saying," she says out loud as Liam looks up.

"What the fuck did I do to him," says Liam as Milton looks at his watch.

"We need to bounce," Milton says as Liam looks at his watch.

Liam walks over to Tessa as he shows her the time as she totally forgot about the concert today. "Look I have to go get ready for my show tonight I'll text you later," she says as Matthew hates it when they have to hang up on one another.

The night goes on as another successful concert and duet is completed. The crowd was very into the show as they are full send on the #LISSA trend. Liam and Tessa ignore them tonight as they are still both upset about Matthew.

On the plane, Liam lies in his bed alone as he reflects on everything. One thing sticks to his mind and that's the question Milton asked him about if she wasn't dating Matthew would he feel different? That question is the one that haunts him as it locked him up and without response. "It would be different," he says to himself as he finally comes to a realization.

Over in her room, Tessa struggles with Matthew's trust issues she doesn't even think about Liam. The constant nagging about their fans has almost brought her to her breaking point with Matthew. She tries not to think about it as she doesn't want to break up with him.

Milton sitting alone in the middle of the plane notices something off as neither are being social tonight as they travel. He knows something is brewing between them that they might not even realize yet.

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