Liam's Return

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Liam steps off his jet as he looks at an empty runway. No one showed up as a single car drives up. Ralph rolls down the window as he waves him over. "Get in here kid," he says as he is glad to see his best friend.

"Thanks for picking me up I honestly didn't know if you were gonna show or not," says Liam as Ralph assures him one thing.

"You might've made a mistake but I'm not going to crucify you for it. Everyone makes them and at the end of the day you're still my friend," says Ralph as Liam is happy to hear that.

"You might be the only one I got here," says Liam as he looks out the window.

"Well if you are referring to Matthew he has no idea you are back. When he does though, better to go into hiding," jokes Ralph.

"Yeah let's keep it that way," says Liam as he doesn't want a scene with Matthew to happen.

"So should I even bother asking what the fuck you were thinking," laughs Ralph.

"You wouldn't understand, no one would," says Liam as Ralph notices he is depressed.

"Lighten up pal you still got me and Lauren," says Ralph as Liam is ready to get home.

They arrive at his house as his parents are already waiting outside. Liam walks up as they share a big hug. Liam's dad waves as he thanks Ralph for driving him home. Ralph waves back as he sees Liam depressed for the first time in his life.

"Are you hungry," Liam's mom asks as Liam shakes his head.

"How are you holding up," his dad asks as Liam breakdowns for the first time.

"I'm not," he says as tears come down his face. Both his parents look at each other as they can't believe their son is crying over a girl. The kid who never had any interest in a real relationship.

"She means that much to you," questions his mom as Liam wipes away a tear.

"To be honest I didn't realize just how much until I left LA. It's only been two weeks and I already can tell I'm not the same without her. I've had so much trouble writing music and I refuse to write a sad ass song," he says as his mom hugs him.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," she says as Liam's dad hates seeing his son so down.

Liam gets himself together as he decides to go for a run. He listens to his favorite podcast that talks about rock bands and new music being released in the genre. After listening for 15 minutes they mention Tessa.

"The true question is who can dethrone Tessa Tate's "Halo" from the top of the charts. It has dominated for weeks after its release and it doesn't seem to be going away soon," says the host.

"Well, the song is incredible and very powerful. She has really shown her talent with the song and I think it put the spotlight on her forever," says the co-host as Liam decides to listen to it for the very first time.

Returning home he goes to his room as he decides to write a song about how he feels. He sits in his room for only 40 minutes as he finishes the entire song and all the music for it. His dad and mom look at him as he comes walking out.

"I thought we weren't doing any sad songs," his mom says as Liam laughs.

"Why sit on an easy way to write a song," he jokes as they are happy to see some kind of smile out of him.

"I don't know where my future is going to take me but I'm glad you guys let me go pursue it. I know it doesn't seem like it's making me happy but I know I would be more happier doing it than if I didn't," he tells them as they know he is talented.

"So are you going to play us the song or what," his dad asks as Liam grabs his acoustic guitar.

"It's called Here Without You," he says as he begins playing.

After he finishes his mom wipes her tears as his dad is flabbergasted at the song himself. "You did all that in 30 minutes," his dad asks as Liam nods.

"Only took 10 minutes to write the lyrics down and 30 for the instrumentals. It doesn't take long when you write exactly how you feel on paper," he says.

"It's a beautiful song," his mom says as Liam decides to go to his former high school to use the music room to record it.

He walks in and the first person he sees is Principal Tate. "Didn't know you were in town," says Tessa's dad as Liam doesn't know what to say.

"I was going to see if I could use the music room to record," he asks as her dad looks at him.

"Depends is it slandering my daughter's name," he jokes.

"I would never, your daughter is a special girl. I just hate I didn't get to know her first," says Liam as her dad points his head for Liam to go use the room.

Liam records the song quickly as he uses his laptop to send it off to some producers and labels to get opinions. He hits send as he takes a deep breath. After leaving the school he walks towards his car in the parking lot as Matthew shows up angry.

"You asshole," shouts Matthew as Liam ignores him and walks towards his car. "You're going to be a coward and not even apologize."

"The only thing I'm sorry about is that she had a boyfriend and even more sorry that it was my best friend. I'm not gonna apologize for my feelings towards her because then I would be lying to you again," says Liam as Matthew gets pissed.

"I should kick your ass but you're not worth it. Never thought my best friend from second grade would do me like that. I guess fame does change people," says Matthew as Liam looks down at the ground.

"Look Matthew I don't wanna argue with you anymore. I know I was wrong and I'm sorry. You can hate me forever or forgive me tomorrow, it makes no difference to me. All I can do is say sorry and live with whatever choice you make," says Liam as he gets in his car.

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