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THE MORNING felt as dull as it had all week. I stared at my reflection in the mirror while brushing my hair, looking utterly exhausted despite just having taken a shower.

It's been a week, and I've started to settle into my new routine━school, the new family dynamic, and their silent treatment towards me. Except for Jenna, no one really seems to give a damn about my existence.

Case in point: the day after the party, when I got back home, Jenna was the only one who bothered to mention the misunderstanding that happened. Elena had already told her I'd left, so she didn't bother waiting for me.

Fine by me if Elena doesn't like me. I don't need her validation for anything.

Over the past week, I'd managed to gather quite a bit of intel on my so-called siblings from Jenna. Jeremy was into drugs, Elena was still grappling with the trauma of losing our parents, especially since she was in the car with them when it happened. Oh, and apparently, Elena and Matt were a thing, but now they're not. Drama, drama, drama.

Putting the brush down, I grabbed my bag and phone and headed downstairs.

I swung open the fridge door, grabbing some cereal and milk, when Aunt Jenna emerged from her room. "How do I look? Do I pass for a respectable parental figure?" she asked, twirling her hair up.

I glanced her way as I sat down on a stool, cereal in hand. "You're looking perfect," I replied. "Got any plans?"

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference," she answered. "Hair up or down?" she asked, holding her hair up in front of the mirror.

Before I could respond, Elena chimed in. "Sexy stewardess," she remarked, joining us downstairs. I just quietly munched on my cereal as Jenna let her hair down.

"Boozy housewife."

"Up it is."

Elena sauntered over, shooting me a bored look, which I reciprocated with an exaggerated eye-roll as I chewed. She quickly averted her gaze.

Starting to get on my nerves, that one. Elena was about to leave when Aunt Jenna stopped her. "Elena, Everly's coming with you. Take her along," Aunt Jenna said.

I was about to decline myself, but then I caught sight of Elena's expression, which practically screamed no way. Call me desperate, but I figured I'd give bonding one last shot.

The brunette sighed, clearly less than thrilled. "Fine," she grumbled, shooting me a fleeting glance before turning away.

Couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at her attitude. "Thanks for the enthusiasm," I muttered under my breath as I polished off my cereal.

Grabbing my bag and jacket, and bidding Jenna a hasty goodbye, I made a beeline for the door.

"So, what's the deal with you?" I piped up once we were both settled in the car. "Don't like me?"

Gotta hand it to myself for mustering up that bit of confidence. Small steps towards character development, right?

Elena rolled her eyes, her fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. "Look, it's not about you, okay?" she snapped. "It's just... everything's been kind of crazy lately."

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now