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The stomping ground of 1920s mobsters.
A concrete jungle boasting towering skyscrapers and endless vistas of urban sprawl.

Otherwise known as Chicago.

Just another destination on my endless travel list. Actually, the whole world was on that list. I’ve always wanted to globe-trot, soaking up every culture, jamming to every kind of music, stuffing my face with exotic foods, and gawking at art. This wanderlust ignited when I was twelve, watching Uncle Peter swagger back from his business trips, arms loaded with gifts and tales from far-off places. I’d sit in my room, eavesdropping on his travel stories, dreaming of the day I’d have my own.

You wouldn’t guess it from looking at me – the quintessential introvert, happiest in my own little bubble – but my one big dream was to bust out of my comfort zone and see the world.

I had grand plans. After high school, I intended to embark on a journey, ticking off at least fifteen American cities. But alas, those dreams crumbled like sandcastles beneath the ruthless waves of reality, crashing down on me like a car screeching to a halt.

I ceased gazing out the window and pushed open the car door, stepping out into the world beyond.

My gaze roamed over those towering buildings, adorned with splashes of green and blue lights, a city that never seemed to sleep, even in the wee hours of the night. Sensing the presence of the two vampires behind me, I tore my eyes away from the view and turned to face them. "Ready to get down to business?" Klaus declared.

"Why are we still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?" Stefan piped up.

Klaus didn't skip a beat. "We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her."

"You mean your hybrid problem," I interjected sarcastically.

Klaus chuckled, "Ah, love, you wound me with your lack of enthusiasm."

I rolled my eyes in boredom before casting one last glance at the towering skyscrapers before sliding into the car.

Chicago. Here we go.


The morning sun slinked through the bar's cracks as we pushed open the creaky door and stepped into the void. Empty, just the way I liked it. The air hung heavy with silence, wrapping the ancient joint in a musty embrace as I followed the vampires ahead, my skepticism trailing behind.

Apparently, according to Mr. Hybrid over there, his personal witch was holed up in this joint, ready to crack the code on his hybrid conundrum.

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?"

"I can't believe this place is still here."

This joint held a special place in Stefan's Hall of Shame, back when he was on a first-name basis with his inner demon – the Ripper. Those were the days when every sunrise brought a new bedmate and every evening a fresh victim. The fifty shades of Stefan Salvatore.

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