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THE OBNOXIOUSLY loud rapping on the door shattered my peaceful slumber. Groaning, I buried myself deeper under the covers, hoping the disturbance would magically disappear. But alas, the knocking persisted, as relentless as a stubborn hiccup.

With a hefty sigh, I attempted to roll over, only to plummet gracelessly off the bed, still entangled in my cozy cocoon. My head met the unforgiving floor with a resounding thud, echoing the annoyance coursing through my veins.

Muttering colorful curses under my breath, I pried my eyelids open, squinting against the offensive morning light. Who in the seven hells...? I fumbled for my phone from the nightstand, squinting at the blinding brightness---it was freaking 6 AM.

The knocking intensified, sounding more urgent and annoying by the second, as if determined to invade every crevice of my peaceful existence. Disentangling myself from the covers, I stumbled to my feet, still half-asleep and thoroughly disoriented.

Attempting to regain some semblance of balance, I promptly tripped over my own feet, crashing back to the floor in a heap of limbs and blankets, just as the intruder's voice pierced through the relentless knocking. "Everly?" Klaus. Of course, it had to be Klaus.

"Coming!" I hollered, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Shaking off the covers, I finally managed to stand upright, though the remnants of my twice-fallen slumber still clung to me like a stubborn stain. I trudged towards the door, still rubbing my eyes, and swung it open. There stood the original hybrid himself, sporting his trademark smirk, seemingly oblivious to my current state of sleep-deprived disarray. He looked annoyingly well-rested and fresh, a total opposite to my own rumpled appearance. "What?" I snapped, still trying to shake off the last dregs of sleep.

Klaus gave me a once-over, and I instinctively pushed the door forward, maintaining some semblance of privacy. "What do you want?" I demanded, irritation dripping from my words.

"And a good morning to you too, love," Klaus chimed in, unfazed.

I let out a yawn, raising my hand in front of me as I tried to speak through the fog of sleep. "You woke me up at freaking 6 AM just to say good morning?" I asked incredulously.

"It's time," Klaus stated matter-of-factly. "We need to go."

"Go where?" I muttered, pressing my forehead against the door.

"To find the packs," Klaus replied, his tone dripping with impatience. "I did mention yesterday for you to wake up early, but clearly you..."

"Oh, right, I forgot," I mumbled again, rolling my eyes even though they were closed. "Can't we go at a more civilized hour? Say, noon?"

I could practically feel his annoyed glare despite my closed eyes. "The early bird catches the wolf, love. I've received a lead about a potential pack of wolves nearby. We have an opportunity, and we can't afford to waste it," Klaus insisted.

Reluctantly, I cracked open one eye to glance at him. There was no chance of slipping back into dreamland now. "Fine, just give me a minute to get ready," I grumbled.

Klaus nodded, a smug grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Meet me downstairs. We have a lot to accomplish today," he instructed before disappearing from my doorway.

With a groan, I let my head fall back against the door, resigning myself to the inevitable. But just as I felt the tendrils of sleep beckoning me once more, Klaus's voice shattered the tranquility. "You asked for a minute to get ready, not to nap," he called out, his tone laced with amusement.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now