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EVERLY GILBERT'S world had once revolved solely within the confines of her room back in San Francisco. Despite sharing the space with her aunt, uncle, and their two rather bothersome children, she might as well have been alone. They were strangers, merely coexisting for the sake of formality.

Aunt Margarette embodied strict orthodoxy, her views tinged with sexism despite her own gender. Uncle Peter, on the other hand, remained more attuned to the modern world, showing Everly a kindness rarely mirrored by his wife and her two pint-sized minions---sorry, children.

Mystic Falls, though a small town, felt vast to the Everly, like a whole new world compared to San Francisco. For the Seerwitch, it offered her friends, family, and a social life---a world she had always observed from the outside but never truly experienced.

Yet, despite the newfound joys, a lingering sadness clung to Everly like a stubborn shadow. She couldn't quite pinpoint its source, even though she felt she was faring better than she had in the past decade.

Meeting Nik had brought her a sense of happiness, comfort, and grounding she had never known before---until he became someone she couldn't even think of in her worst nightmares.

The reality she had escaped with him in her dreams turned out to be nothing but an illusion. And as they say, illusions are meant to be shattered, just like hers was.

The very place she had sought refuge in had become the source of her downfall.

Trust was a rare commodity for her, having spent so many years alone. It had faded into the shadows of her past. Yet, when she met Nik, she threw caution to the wind and trusted him. She allowed herself to be vulnerable, caught off guard by her own emotions.

Ignoring the instinctive warnings that screamed at her not to trust him, she pushed them aside, craving the heartbreak she knew would come. After all, she had spent her life with no one by her side, and when someone finally entered her life, she couldn't resist the pull, allowing herself to be swept away by it.

But that pull only ended up shattering her heart.

Faces hovered over her unconscious form on the bed, her eyes remained closed, locked in a state of unawareness. Since she had collapsed to the ground, she had not stirred. However, a frown marred her features, wrinkles forming on her young forehead---lines not meant for someone her age.

Despite her unconsciousness, her heart continued to race, sweat beading on her face. Even in her numb state, the revelation of Nik being Klaus had hit her so hard that she found no solace even in unconsciousness.

"Her heart rate is too high," Katherine remarked, casting a cornered glance at Everly. "She fainted when she saw you. Any idea why?" Her gaze shifted to the original vampire, whose eyes remained fixed on the young witch, who appeared frightened even in her unconscious state.

Klaus observed Everly, knowing she would be in for a shock when she met him face to face. He had anticipated her reaction, but he hadn't expected it to leave her so traumatized.

He took risks, it was necessary. He didn't care about the consequences; he needed to break her, deceive her, use her, and betray her to fulfill his goals. Breaking the curse meant freeing his werewolf side, even if it meant shattering the heart of the purest girl he had ever encountered.

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