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WHY DO mornings even exist? Nights are infinitely superior. Every sunrise serves as a reminder of how out of control my magic is spiraling. It's like a runaway train, taking me along for the wild ride, just like it did with Amanda.

It's been three days since I turned nineteen, and instead of reveling in the joys of newfound adulting, I'm stuck dealing with magical meltdowns.

I'm beyond exhausted. My head feels like it's being pounded by a sledgehammer, and I swear there's enough magic coursing through me to light up Vegas.

My powers are running amok. It used to be my emotions that triggered them, but now it's like my magic has a mind of its own. It's throwing tantrums left and right, whenever it damn well pleases.

Two days ago, I accidentally turned photo frames into airborne projectiles. Yesterday, I nearly turned the house into a bonfire until Elena swooped in to save the day.

I must look like a ghost, with my skin paler than ever and dark circles making themselves at home under my eyes. I reached for a glass of water on my nightstand, only to have it shatter in my hand when the door swung open, courtesy of my ever-so-timely magic. See? This is exactly what I mean.

"You look like hell," Bonnie remarked as she strolled in with Elena trailing behind.

Tell me about it. But instead, I plastered on a fake smile and buried myself further under the covers.

"Everly, seriously, are you okay?" Elena pressed, concern etched in her features.

"Yeah, peachy keen. Just drowning in my last-year-of-high-school workload. You know how it is," I lied through my teeth.

I couldn't quite decipher if they were buying my lame excuse or not, given my sorry state. Their raised eyebrows and skeptical glances hinted they weren't entirely convinced, but then again, I tend to overthink everything, so who knows?

Bonnie chucked the moonstone in my direction, and I snagged it, peeking out from under my covers to inspect the troublesome gem. The source of all our headaches, finally back in our possession. "Now that you've got this back, what's the plan?" Elena quizzed.

"Right now, it's what's binding the sun and moon curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless," Bonnie elucidated.

"And according to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful," Elena chimed in.

Bonnie then turned her laser focus onto me. "Speaking of Klaus, I got to know, hee needs you, as the witch, to undo the sun and moon curse!"

I shot a glance at Elena, who shot back a knowing look. Can't keep a secret to save her life, that one. I really didn't want anyone else getting wind of this. I redirected my attention to Bonnie. "Yeah, maybe. I'm not entirely sure," I confessed. "I mean, according to Rose, but who knows. Richmond was a bust, so I'm not exactly sold on my role in this whole debacle."

Bonnie gave a solemn nod. "Anyway, what's the deal with the moonstone? If we render it useless, half our problems vanish," I pointed out.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now