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IT WAS breathtakingly beautiful, like straight out of a romantic novel. The silence was peaceful, only interrupted by distant bird chirps. The air smelled fresh, so pure. I'd never had a dream like this before.

It felt like something out of those movies where the girl and the boy have their secret hideout away from the world.

But here I was, all alone.

The river flowed gently, flanked by small and big mountains, and big lush plants. Purple lilies dotted the scene---my favorite flowers. I couldn't help but smile. I really liked this place.

I was captivated. This place... it resonated with me.

As I wandered through the plants, I tried to make sense of it all. Dreams were supposed to be reflections of our desires and thoughts, right? But this tranquility was beyond anything I'd ever imagined.

Usually, my dreams were a mishmash of random, impractical scenarios, but this... this was different.

I scanned the area until I spotted a figure sitting by the river. Holy crap, I wasn't alone! Someone else was here with me in this dream.

Attempting to approach them, I moved closer to the river, but it seemed like they were slipping away with every step I took.

"Hey!" I called out, my voice echoing in the dreamlike atmosphere.

They turned to face me, and for a fleeting moment, I locked eyes with them—piercing blue-green eyes—before everything blurred into a whirlwind of confusion...

Then I woke up. Blinking, I found myself back in my room, wrapped in my blanket.

Well, that was a first.

I glanced over at the alarm clock, still mocking me with its ungodly hour reading of two in the morning.

Whatever that was, I kinda dug it. The silence, the whole atmospheric vibe---I wanted more of it.

Since sleep was clearly playing hard to get, I figured I'd pass the time with some quality phone-scrolling.

Reaching under my blanket for my trusty device, my hand encountered something unexpected. Soft and delicate, like flower petals. My heart raced as I realized---they were flowers.

Slowly, I sat up, casting off the blanket to get a better look. Purple freaking lilies. They were there, staring back at me, accompanied by a small piece of paper.

I swallowed hard as I picked them up and with a healthy dose of skepticism, I reluctantly unfolded the note.

And what pearls of wisdom did it contain?

Hello, love.


"Hey, what are you doing in here?" Aunt Jenna's voice cut through the silence, and I nearly jumped out of my skin, losing my balance in the process and crashing down from the stool, sending a cascade of stuff tumbling over me.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now