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"WHAT GOT you in such a gloomy mood today?"

Nik's voice cut through my sulking like a knife through butter. I dragged my head up from my knees and turned to see him plopping down beside me.

“Where were you?” I tried to keep the desperation out of my voice. Honestly, this was becoming an unhealthy addiction.

"I’ve been busy," he replied, a smirk dancing in his eyes. Oh, wonderful. Something good must have happened to him. Good for him.

"Oh," I muttered, dropping my head again. I'd been waiting for him ever since I got back to this dreamlike, semi-reality.

I'd been down in the dumps lately---or should I say, dramatically depressed? My magic was on the fritz, and the never-ending drama was about to make my head explode.

I needed this place like a fish needs water.

"Are you okay, love?" Nik asked, his voice annoyingly soft.

I peeked up from my lashes, debating whether to grace him with my attention. "Yeah. Maybe. I don't know. There's a lot of drama going on in my life," I muttered, before promptly turning away again.

"What drama?" Nik's voice was the epitome of curiosity.

I couldn't decide whether to spill or keep my mouth shut. I really needed to vent about this whole curse fiasco and my magic going haywire. Elena had Stefan and Damon, and Caroline was too wrapped up in her own issues. Who was left? Me, myself, and my delightful misery.

"You won't understand a thing," I said, finally breaking free from my misery-induced silence.

"Try me," Nik challenged, his tone oddly compelling.

I lifted my head from my knees once more, eyeing the picture-perfect sky with disdain. Screw it, I thought, might as well unload on someone.

Maybe I could trust Nik. We'd met enough times, and he seemed like a halfway decent guy. What's the harm in sharing a little burden, right? Right.

Ignoring the warning bells in my head, I started talking. "Well, for starters, there's a massive curse problem in my town. The sun and moon curse. Some ancient vampire wants to break it, and he needs me and my sister to do it," I blurted out, turning to face him. A realization dawned on me. "Wait, you might know him. I mean, he's ancient, like you. You're what, a thousand years old? Same ancient vampire club and all that crap."

Nik chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Same vampire community, huh?"

"Yeah. I mean, you're a thousand years old, and this vampire who wants to break the curse is apparently your age. So, you might have crossed paths with him or something. You could be my vampire encyclopedia," I suggested with a hopeful grin.

There was a flicker in Nik's eyes, something familiar yet elusive. "What's his name?" he asked, leaning in with genuine interest.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now