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HOW DID I suddenly see the future?

That's the question that had been haunting me for the past three days, ever since I stumbled back from that party. I mean, who knew partying could lead to supernatural abilities?

It's like, seriously unbelievable. Like, ever since I got back from San Francisco, it's been a rollercoaster of weirdness. I'm talking about those random electric shocks I get when I touch certain people. Yeah, not everyone, just certain lucky souls.

Something's definitely off. Either I'm going crazy or this world is playing some seriously twisted game with me.

So, what am I supposed to be now? Everly━the magician? Nah, too cliché.

Everly━the future-seer? Hmm, sounds intriguing.

Or maybe Everly━the ultimate fortune teller? Yeah, that's got a nice ring to it.

If I really am some sort of fortune-telling prodigy, I could start my own business one day. Think of the cash flow! I'd be swimming in dough, buying myself a sweet bungalow, collecting more art than I know what to do with, and jet-setting across the globe. I'd practically be a celebrity.

"Everly," someone snapped me out of my daydream. (Or should I say, my escape to future stardom?)

I swiveled my head towards the door, wondering who had the nerve to disturb me right now. With a dramatic sigh, I peeled myself off the bed and trudged over to answer it.

I swung the door open to find Jeremy standing there. Jeremy? Talking to me? "Hey, actually..." he started, sounding oddly hesitant.

I shot him a look of utter confusion. "Yeah, what's up?" I prompted, trying to hide my surprise.

"I know things have been kinda icy between us since you got back, but I really need your help," he admitted, sounding surprisingly sincere.

"Okay, spill it," I replied, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Do you mind if I let Vicki borrow some of your clothes?" he asked, looking a bit sheepish. "She didn't bring any with her, and her old ones are, uh, not exactly wearable anymore."

I pondered his request for a moment. Jeremy had been surprisingly civil to me since I returned. We hadn't exactly been besties, but he hadn't treated me like a total outcast either.

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Sure, I guess."

Sauntering over to my closet, I grabbed a couple of tops and jeans before ambling back to the door to hand them over to Jeremy. "Tell Vicki not to go too crazy with them. My wardrobe's not exactly overflowing," I quipped.

Jeremy's face lit up with a grin. "Thanks, Everly. I owe you one," he said earnestly, then started to head out before doing a double take. "Hey, I wanted to apologize for being a jerk. It's not every day you find out you've got an older sister," he confessed.

I was caught off guard. An apology out of the blue wasn't exactly on my morning agenda. But hey, at least someone was making an effort. "Yeah, I get it," I replied, even though deep down, I was a little peeved that it wasn't just them dealing with the bombshell.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now