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JUST WHEN I was starting to think life could return to its regularly scheduled programming---Problems came knocking at our door again. And surprise, surprise, it involved the same old cast of characters: vampires, werewolves and witches.

Rose---the mastermind behind Elena's little kidnapping episode (yep, she's still hanging around), decided to give us a crash course on the originals---the OG vampires, straight outta ancient history. Apparently, they're older than your grandma's grandma's grandma.

And then there's Elijah, Mr. Two-Piece Suit himself, was also after Elena. Oh, did I mention he's an original too? Rose and her best friend have been playing cat and mouse with him for half a millennium but now he was dead.

I lounged back on the couch, crossing my legs and flipping off my phone as Rose launched into another round of exposition. "Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years. And I don't know what's true and what's not true. That's the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus, I know is real,"Rose explained.

Klaus? Seriously? Sounds like the name of someone's creepy uncle.

"Who is he?"

"One of the originals. He's a legend."

"From the first generation of vampires."

That got my brain whirring. If there are ancient vampires like Klaus and Elijah, where does that leave Nik, the millennial vampire I happen to know?

Was this Klaus dude even older than him?

"Like Elijah?"

Rose scoffed, shaking her head. "No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He was a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal."

"Klaus is known to be the oldest."

"So, you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena questioned skeptically.

"Yes, but not only you," Rose confirmed and then turned to me. "But you too."

I furrowed my brows, utterly perplexed. "Me?"

"Yep, you." Rose affirmed with a nod in my direction. "You're part of the Taylor coven lineage, right?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, that's me."

"Well then, it's definitely you," Rose declared. "When I first saw you, something clicked. I've seen your face before, in the paintings."

"Care to expand on that?" Damon interjected.

Rose shot me a quick glance before launching into her explanation. "She's the seerwitch. Klaus has been on the hunt for her to break the curse. The story goes that her bloodline was supposed to have vanished ages ago, but here she is, alive. Naturally, Klaus will have his sights set on her."

"How do you know all this?" I probed.

"Any vampire older than three hundred years would know about you," Rose revealed. "Rumors have circulated for centuries that you were dead and gone. Klaus is still searching for you, and now that Elijah has seen you---" She was abruptly cut off by Stefan.

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