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The twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord 1204.

Verily, Agatha doth harbor enmity towards me. Yea, she doth abhor me with all the fervor of her heart. Now, as I have attained the nineteenth year of my existence, her hatred burneth fiercer than ever. For I have surpassed the age wherein my sorcery doth cease to be under my command. It cometh with the curse of bearing the title of Seerwitch within the Taylor coven. Indeed, it cometh with the curse of being myself.

The witchly aspect of my being hath spiraled beyond my governance, as hath the seerly facet thereof. The seerly aspect---the shadowed recesses of my soul---doth wax and wane, for I am consumed by naught but the desire to bring about the demise of mine own kin.

All do despise me. None do desire me, save for him, and my sorcery remaineth tempered when in his presence. Yet none seem to comprehend this truth. Rather, they cast upon me looks of pure revulsion when I do speak of him amongst them.

My progenitors hath disavowed me, leaving me forsaken, whilst the witches, under Agatha's lead, doth cast upon me not a single glance of mercy.

The solitude doth swell alongside the shadowed musings within me. Each passing day doth witness my dark sorcery engulfing and engulfing me.

And lo, this curse shall endure through my lineage.

"Did you get the knife yet?"

I glanced up from the journal, catching the whispers drifting in from the doorway.

"Is it the butter knife or the stabby one?"

"Does it matter? It'll get the job done."

Frowning, I shut the journal, sliding out of bed. The secretive chatter outside my room sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

"Shh, not yet. Let's keep it quiet."

What on earth was brewing out there? I cracked my door open cautiously, peering into the darkness beyond. Nothing but silence greeted me. Seriously, what was with the creepy whispers?

Creeping into the hallway, I found myself surrounded by an eerie black void. Striding downstairs, I made a beeline for the light switch, only to jump out of my skin when the lights flickered to life on their own. "Surprise!" A chorus of voices assaulted my ears as I spun around to find everyone gathered before me. And by everyone, I mean everyone.

Elena, Jeremy, Aunt Jenna, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Alaric---they were all crammed into the living room.

"You guys just about gave me a heart attack," I grumbled, trying to shake off the jolt.

Damon smirked, leaning against the wall with that classic devil-may-care attitude. "Well, what's a birthday without a little adrenaline, huh?"

I'd completely spaced out on it. Today marked the grand event---my birthday. Funny thing is, October 13th isn't even circled on my calendar. I mean, who needs reminders when you've never really celebrated your own birthday? Not back in San Francisco, not even here in Mystic Falls when I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 | KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now