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FOUR DAYS had dragged by since my magical meltdown, and oh, how the drama followed.

Plenty of things happened. Some good news sprinkled in, but---they were thoroughly smothered by the bad news.

They say to start with the good news, so here goes. Elijah was dead---or, more accurately, daggered dead, but either way, out of our lives. Uncle John had handed Damon a shiny, special dagger designed to kill an Original vampire. So, we used it to put Elijah into a nice, long nap.

He had this master plan that involved Elena's untimely demise, and my sister was actually willing to go along with it. With Elijah out of the picture, sis can breathe easy again.

And now, the bad news buffet. Post-wolf attack at the boarding house, it’s glaringly obvious that my magic is spiraling out of control. Everyone’s on pins and needles, anticipating another magical blowup. It doesn’t just go kaboom because you’re having a bad hair day.

Bonnie finally returned my calls, and guess what? Mr. Martin, that delightful witch who was buddy-buddy with Elijah, stripped her of her powers. She’s in a major crisis, and I didn’t even mention my own magic issues.

Bonnie’s dealing with a crisis far bigger than my little fireworks show.

And finally, in the grand tradition of saving the worst for last, Katherine, that infamous bitch, is back. With Elijah daggered, his compulsion faded, and Katherine slithered out of the tomb. Now she’s squatting at the Salvatore boarding house, making everyone’s life a living hell.

Currently, I found myself trapped in the kitchen with the whole gang. It was supposed to be a girls' night---Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and your Everly. Each of us burdened with our own drama, but tonight was about hitting the pause button on life.

I munched on potato chips, trying to focus on a game on my tablet while Caroline sidled up to me. "Chinese food or pizza?" she queried.

"Like you even have to ask," Elena chimed in, grinning knowingly as she plonked a bowl of crackers on the counter.

Before I could even react, Blondie snatched the tablet from my grasp, causing me to lose the game unceremoniously. "Hey! I was on the verge of victory," I protested and was met with a dismissive eye-roll.

"Come on, Eve, you were playing some toddler-level game," Caroline retorted, scrolling away, only to freeze when she stumbled upon a wallpaper featuring her and Matt. Yep, those two are currently on the warpath.

"Better give it back," I suggested, reclaiming my tablet and earning a begrudging nod from Caroline, accompanied by a faint smile.

I swiped through the online takeout options, settling on Chinese as Elena broached a pressing topic, leaning on the counter. "Do you actually think Jonas is being sincere?"

"I don't know what to believe. I think he's at a loss. He's not sure who to trust."

Elena's response perfectly echoed the confusion swirling in all our heads. "Join the club.

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