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❝All's well that ends well to end up with you❞

❝All's well that ends well to end up with you❞

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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Taylor Swift
01:02──|─── 03:41
Lee Yeojun

"It's time. Let's go darling"

My father held his hand, waiting for me to hold them. I took a deep breath and held his hand, adjusting my gown and veil for one last time.

I held a bouquet of deep red roses which gave total contrast to my white gown. The doors opened as everyone's attention was on me while mine was on only one person, my soon to be husband, Kwon Il-ha. He was looking handsome than ever in that black tuxedo.

The soft piano music was playing in the background as we both walked forward. My vision started to blur because of my tears.

Don't cry. Don't cry. You'll ruin the make-up.

But that didn't work. My tears weren't visible thanks to the veil covering my face. My father loosen his grip around my arm. He took both my hands and kissed them, "Be happy, sunshine", he then placed my hands on Il-ha's as I gave him a nod.

"Please take care of my world"

"I promise", Il-ha replied squeezing my hand as father stepped back.

He pulled up my veil and glanced at my face, "Jagi", he softly said and wiped out all my tears with his hands, "You look so beautiful"

The butterflies in my stomach never stopped from 11 years still counting. As long as I am alive, I just knew they will never die. That's for sure.

The priest started with the ceremony.

I am getting married to my childhood crush.

Eighteen years old me would NEVER believe this.

But, here we were.

From Classroom to Wedding hall. From friends to life partners. From a small crush to a lifelong promise. From a shy confession to a biggest commitment. From Miss to Missus. And lastly from me and you to us.

'To' maybe just a two letter word but it described our journey to become what we were today. We laughed. We cried. We cared. We liked. We fought. We won. We lost. We understood. We accepted. We grew. We loved. And most importantly, we lived every single moment cherishing each other.

That was our beautiful journey.

The priest asked us to hold each other's right hand.

"I, Kwon Il-ha, take Lee Yeojun, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life"

"I, Lee Yeojun take Kwon Il-ha, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life."

We both recited the vows looking into each other's eyes.

I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now you may kiss the bride"

Il-ha smiled, "My wife" before smashing his lips into mine.

I held his shoulder as I kissed him back closing my eyes, as the cheers in the background fade away.

All I could think of was my husband Kwon Il-ha.

We broke the kiss as I cupped his face, "I love you till eternity, my dear husband"

Maybe people were right, life is really unpredictable. You never know what happens next. You never know until people leave your side. You never know when a person becomes so important in your life. You never know what is waiting for you in the future.

And right now the only thing I knew was I was so fucking in love with Kwon Il-ha and I was more than excited about our life together.

I was happy.

I was content

But more than anything, I was the best version of myself.

But more than anything, I was the best version of myself

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And here it ends.

I really really appreciate all your love and support. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. It really helped me so much.

Have a great day ahead 😊

It was great having you'll.

Luv y'all ❤️

Signing off.

Your author.


Jimonmi (Kwon Il-ha X OC)Where stories live. Discover now