Chapter One: Near the End Recap

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Now a Senior Padawan, Leeda Skywalker, along with Ileema and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker has been called to defend Kamino from the wretched claws of General Grievous. He and Asajj Ventress have hatched a plan to steal the DNA of Jango Fett. Thanks to the efforts of brave Jedi and Clone Troopers, Kamino survives to see another day. But the brother to all cadets, 99, is lost in the battle.

On Coruscant, Leeda is asked by Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora to help her in her fight to force the Trade Federation to resolve their blockade of Pantora. But the Separatists instead kidnap Chairman Papanoida's two daughters, Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe. While Ahsoka and Riyo go to the Trade Federation's ship above Pantora, Leeda accompanies Chairman Papanoida and his son, Ion, to Tatooine. There, they find Greedo and Che Amanwe.

After Ileema was injured in battle, the Master and her Padawan return to Coruscant. In order to prepare Leeda for Knighthood, Ileema requests that she shadow Republic Senator, Bail Organa of Alderaan. In doing so, Leeda meets Senators Mon Mothma of Chandrill and Onaconda Farr of Rodia, along with Representative Lolo Purs of Rodia. When celebrating the speech made by Padmé Amidala protesting the creation of more clown troopers, Ono collapses and dies. When his death is revealed to be the result of murder, Padmé, Bail, and Leeda investigate. Eventually leading them to the truth. Lolo Purs, Ono's aide and the Representative of Rodia, poisoned Ono.

Months after the death of Senator Farr, Jedi Master Even Piell is taken by the Separatists to the Citadel on the planet of Lola Sayu. Ileema, Obi-Wan, and Anakin plan a rescue mission, and after being told not to go, Leeda and Ahsoka sneak aboard the shuttle. The two prove to be of help in rescuing Master Piell, and his Captain, Wilhuff Tarkin. After escaping the Citadel fortress, while fighting off droids, Master Piell is killed. As Leeda is the only one with him, she now becomes the most vital part of the mission, now knowing half of the coordinates of the secret hyperspace lane, the Nexus Route.

After briefly mourning the loss of Master Piell, the group continues on to the rendezvous point. An island. As they make their way across to the island, Commander Sobec catches up to them. When he attempts to kill Tarkin, Leeda saves the man's life. They are then rescued by Master Plo-Koon, who takes them back to Coruscant. While Tarkin refuses to tell anyone but Chancellor Palpatine the coordinates of the Nexus route, Leeda refuses to tell anyone but the Council.

Not long after the mission to the Citadel, Leeda and Ahsoka are taken from the Battle of Felucia by Trandoshans to be hunted. While on the moon of Wasskah, they meet three Jedi Younglings. Kalifa, O-Mer, and Jinx. After being pursued by Trandoshans, Kalifa is killed. When attacking the dropship, the Padawans and Younglings meet Wookie warrior, Chewbacca. Working together, and with help from the Wookie rescue party sent to help Chewbacca, they defeat the Trandoshans who abducted them, and the Jedi return to the Temple on Coruscant.

Because of her refusal to let others share the danger from Lukka Raiyan, the mission to dechip the clone troopers, Leeda has had difficulties in finding time to sleep. After the medics of the 345th, Wish and Copper, discover she can't remember the last time she slept, Wish comms her twin brother, Luke Skywalker, who convinces her to share the danger with him, and gets her to rest. After waking up from a three day, sedative induced, sleep, she finds that only two more battalions and two more legions, along with the tubies on Kamino, need to be dechipped.

And on a Padawan training mission, of survival camping, with fellow Padawan, Callum Dalori, Leeda experiences a painful waking vision. Her first vision is not clear, but contains the sounds of blasters, flashes of lightsabers, and the sound of boots on stone. Then a vision of the Council and many others seemingly grieved. Then a vision of Ashas Ree, with a village, more of a city, and a rebuilt Temple. Along with clone Commander Bly with a clone cadet on his shoulders. Her last vision though, is of the planet Skako Minor of herself, Captain Rex of the 501st, and four unknown clones.

With the war seemingly dragging on forever, more and more things are uncovered. Things are just picking up, and there's more of the story left to tell, so hold on, we've still got a ways to go. Things are, after all, only just beginning.


A/N: Here's the fourth book! This is probably my favorite that I've written, and I really hope you enjoy it. If this is the first book you've read, please check out the first three before reading.

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