Chapter Twelve: Battle for the Temple

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I wake up with a start, sitting straight up. I can feel my hair flying around my face. My mind is flying in all different directions, but I know those eyes. And that office. When I realize where I know them from, my eyes widen, and a gasp escapes me.

I know the color of those eyes, and I know their shape because I once helped defend the man they belong to. And I've been in that office a few times. Most notably when Ono was murdered. I helped to defend the Sith Lord. The Sith Lord is the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Sheev Palpatine.

I throw off my blankets, and bolt out of bed. The adrenaline is coursing through my body, waking up my mind. And since I'm so used to the coursing adrenaline from battle, my mind functions clearly. I open my door, and run to amu (amu - mom) and buir's (buir's - dad's) room. For once, I don't even think about knocking. I type in their code and fling open the door.

Both amu (amu - mom) and buir (buir - dad) are pretty light sleepers, so the sound of the door opening wakes them up. They sit up in alarm, and I run over to amu's (amu's - mom's) side of the bed.

"Ad'ika (ad'ika - little one), what's going on?" she asks.

"The Chancellor, he's the Sith!"

"What?" both of them ask.

"I... I just... just had a vision... and... and..."

"Okay, Leeda, take a breath. What did you see?"

I take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and release the breath. "I had a vision. Chancellor Palpatine is Darth Sideous. He killed Masters Koth, Tiin, and Fisto. Master Windu was fighting him, but I didn't see what happened."

Amu (amu - mom) nods once, and she looks completely floored. "All right. Go get dressed and wake up your brothers. Logan, can you tell the boys what's going on?" Buir (buir - dad) nods to her. "Vor'e (vor'e - thanks), Logan. I'll wake the Council."

I give a stiff nod, and whirl around to go back to my room. I flip on the overhead light, and it almost blinds me for a minute. Then I run over to my dresser and pull out a set of robes. I put them on as quickly as I can, and then pull my socks and my boots on. After I have my belt on, with my lightsaber attached, and my outer robe on, I run to Chase's room.

I start shaking Chase, while bombarding Luke's mind with the message of "Wake up!" over and over again through our bond. He wakes up first, and a feeling of confusion comes over our bond. I just tell him to go to the living room. It doesn't take long after that for Chase to wake up. He is just as confused.

"Leeda, what's going on?"

"I need you to come to the living room, okay. Amu (amu - mom) and I have to talk to the Council."

"You had a vision again, didn't you? An important one."

I just nod, and he gets up. We head into the living room, where amu (amu - mom) and buir (buir - dad) are waiting for us. Amu (amu - mom) says,

"I just woke up Master Yoda. Everyone is on their way, albeit very confused. Are you ready to go to the Council chambers, Leeda?" she asks me.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Jate (jate - good)."

The two of us leave the apartment, and buir (buir - dad) starts explaining to the boys what's going on. At least as much as he knows. This isn't the first time I've had a dream and we've had to do this. Although, this is most likely the most important dream that I've ever had. At a run, it barely takes a few minutes to get to the Council chambers.

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