Chapter Seven: The Battle of Umbara

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The 345th and the 212th, along with some other battalions, are being sent to the shadow world of Umbara. After Lolo killed Senator Deechi, the Umbarans withdrew from he Republic and joined the Separatists.

Ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan, amu (amu - mom), and I stand around a projected holomap. Troopers from he 345th, 212th, and some who are originally from the 501st, stand with us. They still have their blue paint, but many of them have added magenta and/or black to show their new legion.

"Masters Krell and Tiin will be supporting my troops in the south, while Ileema's battalion comes in from the north and takes out enemy reinforcements. It is imperative that we conquer the capital city as quickly as possible, and hold it."

"Our biggest problem is gonna be the local militia," amu (amu - mom) says. "The Umbarans have aligned themselves with the Separatists and are heavily armed." She gestures over to Fives. "ARC Trooper Fives will be assisting my units on special assignment."

"Ready to do my part, General Ileema."

"Nice to have you on board," b'avodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex says.

It'll be buir (buir - dad) and ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex this time. Ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Kya is going to be leading the space battle. He prefers when I lead those, but the Force was screaming at me, it felt like, to go down to the planet. I have no idea why, but I guess we'll find out.

"Just like old times, Rex."

Ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan points to where he'll be, and says, "Remember, Ileema, Cody and I will be 12 clicks to your south. We're counting on you to take out those local fighters, or, I'm afraid, the capital will never surrender."

I smirk, and ask, "Does the 345th have to do everything?"

"You seem to always volunteer us," amu (amu - mom) says.

Amu (amu - mom) nods to us after ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan leaves, and all of us board the LAAT. Buir (buir - dad) barks out,

"All right, let's go!"

Once everyone's on board, Flip takes us out to the battle. We've barely even left the ship, and I can already hear and see explosions. This ought to be a fun one. K'oyacyi (K'oyacyi - cheers).

I lean out the side of the LAAT, and seen bursts of light. I see amu (amu - mom) lean out with me, and we both pull back when a shot from the surface gets a little bit too close for comfort. I shake my head, and hear ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex say,

"There's a lot of surface fire."

"They ain't got nothing we can't handle, sir," Hardcase says.

After an explosion comes really close to our LAAT, I turn a bit to one of the shinier 501st boys. His name is one of the first that I learned, he's sort of the baby of both parts of the legion now.

"You hanging in there, Tup?"

"So far so good, al'verde (al'verde - commander)," he says.

The boys who transferred to us have already picked up the habit of calling me al'verde (al'verde - commander). The title itself has become a nickname for me, I guess. I think even when this war is over, the vode (vode - brothers) will still call me al'verde (al'verde - commander).

I hear a beeping in my earpiece.

"General Kenobi, Al'verde (al'verde - commander) Skywalker, I've turned the lights out. Our night vision sensors

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