Chapter Fourteen: Cin Vhetin

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Callum Dalori's POV

I wake up when the sun starts to peak over the trees. I feel something warm pressed up against me. When my eyes clear, I see a brown colored head. I sit up a bit, and see Leeda. When she's sleep, she looks peaceful. And she doesn't look like she has the weight of the galaxy on her shoulder, like she has for the majority of the time I've known her. She actually looks sixteen years old.

Especially since strands of curly, brown hair have fallen out of her bun and are framing her face. Her eyes are closed, but I know that they hide dark blue eyes that shine like blue kyber. Especially when she's happy, determined, or up to no good. Leeda's eyelashes rest on the tops of her cheeks, and her breathing is even and deep.

I don't even try to get up, because I'm a little chilly. If I'm chilly, she definitely would be. I don't hear anyone up yet, so she should get to sleep for a while. If someone tries to come in here and wake her up, I will Force push them into a tree. Leeda rarely sleeps well, and when she does, it isn't for very long.

And speak of a Sith. Luke opens the tent, sticks his head in, but before he can start talking, I whisper,

"Shh. Your sister's sleeping."

"Oh. Let her sleep then. I'll get Chase, Nita, Caleb, and Ahsoka to help me handle everyone for now."

"Jate, vor'e (Jate, vor'e - good, thanks)."

Luke nods to me, and leaves. I glance down, and see Leeda's face knitted together in a frown. She shifts, but soon settles. I breathe out, relieved. She's still asleep. I pull up a puzzle on my comm and work on putting it together while Leeda sleeps. It doesn't take long for the camp to get busy. But no one comes near my tent, Luke probably told everyone that Leeda was sleeping and to leave her be.

I've put together around four puzzles by the time Leeda starts moving and her eyes flutter open. She hums, and blinks a few times, quickly. A trick I've learned too. You blink quickly and move your eyes around to asses your surroundings. It's second nature for me by now. It's probably second nature for all of the other Senior Padawans too.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asks.

"Not sure. Several hours at least, everyone else is up by now."

Her eyes go wide, and she starts to scramble up. She sits up, and I follow her.

"Leeda, calm down. Luke, Chase, Nita, Ahsoka, and Caleb have everything and everyone handled. Everyone is fine. And if your mom decoded the message that you sent her, the Masters and Knights will be here later today. It's fine. Just take your time."

She nods slightly, and yawns. She's probably still exhausted, I have no idea how much of a toll... whatever it was she did yesterday, took on her.

We put a puzzle together, and then get up. When we get to the main area of camp, everything is fine. The Younglings are helping the Junior Padawans clean up. And the Senior Padawans and vode (vode - brothers) are going through the other supplies that were brought down last night. I look down at Leeda and say,

"See, you had nothing to worry about."

Leeda Skywalker's POV

I roll my eyes. I guess he was right. Everything seems to be going fine. The Younglings and Junior Padawans are cleaning up and the Senior Padawans and vode are going through supplies. Ahsoka comes jogging up to Callum and I after seeing us. She says,

"Go take a seat by the fire. We have soup again. I'll get a couple of Junior Padawans to bring you some water and fix you some food."

"I can help," I try to say.

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