Chapter Thirteen: Evaar'la Yaim

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Ileema Kenobi's POV

A final blow to Palpatine from Mace ends the fight. And when I look around, I see just how many we lost. Master Mundi, Master Kolar, a few other Masters, and several Knights. And there are even more that are wounded. Myself, Obi-Wan, Aayla, Master Yoda, and Depa are only a few of us.

My wounds are superficial, thank the Force, so I help Master Yoda stand, and since Depa is a little shorter than me, I help her to get to her feet. Then I help her to the Temple. But when we get to the courtyard, in the light of Coruscant's setting sun, all I see is droid bodies. And mixed in with the droids, are the bodies of a few Padawans and many fallen vode .

"What happened here?" Aayla asks, her eyebrows pinching together in a frown.

Then I feel my comm buzzing. I felt it buzz a little bit earlier, but I didn't pay it any attention because we were still battle Palpatine. I use my free hand to get it out of my pocket, and see an unopened message from Leeda.

"Hold on!" I yell.

Everyone stops moving and looks at me. I open the message. Its message is short, and to the point, it says masu (masu - are)-rayshe'a. Dayn yustarud. Kurs me'suum (rayshe'a - five, dayn yustarud - Outer Rim, kurs me'suum - forest planet). What in the galaxy is this? Wait, kurs me'suum means forest planet. Dayn yustarud means outer perimeter... Outer Rim. Its coordinates, the Padawans and Younglings must have escaped to wherever these coordinates lead.

Masu... that's... Amatakkan for are. Rayshe'a is five in Mando'a. R-5, Outer Rim. Ashas Ree! A forested planet in the Outer Rim with an old, abandoned Jedi Temple!

"I know where the Padawans are," I burst out. "They're on an Outer Rim planet by the name of Ashas Ree."

"How do you know?" Master Fisto asks me.

"Leeda. She sent me a coded message telling me the coordinates. Part of them were in Amatakka, the slave language of Tatooine. The other was in Mando'a. R-5, Outer Rim. It's Ashas Ree."

"Hmm. An old Jedi Temple there, there is. Long forgotten, Ashas has been. Know of it, how did she?"

"It's Leeda," Obi-Wan remarks. "She most likely got curious about planets with old Jedi Temples and found out about it in the old Jedi records. If you're sure that that's where they are, Ila, then we should get going."

"Agreed," everyone says, or at least mutters, and we all head to the hangar.

There are shuttles that have been left. Enough for us to take. Everyone gets sorted into the shuttles, and we leave. Once we're in the atmosphere of Coruscant, the ones piloting punch in the coordinates, and we enter hyperspace. The stars blur into streaks, and it becomes the tunnel of swirling blue, purple, and white that I have become so accustomed to in the past sixteen years.

Leeda Skywalker's POV

It feels like time is dragging so slowly while I stand on the bridge and tap my foot. The only thing I am able to do is watch the swirling blue, purple, and white of hyperspace. When I feel a hand on my shoulder though, I jump and whirl around. Pieces of my hair, that have fallen out of my bun, tickle my face. It's buir (buir - dad).

"You scared me," I say.

He gives me a gentle smile. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

I turn back around, look down at the floor, and wrap my arms around my middle. "Not really. I'm terrified, and... I don't know. I just... I feel..."

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