Chapter Eight: Safe

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Amu (amu - mom) and I have been called back to Coruscant, leaving buir (buir - dad), and ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle)Kya in charge of the 345th, ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex, Fives, and Racer are coming with us. Because of my actions on Umbara, I have to be questioned by the Council. We landed yesterday, and I learned my hearing would be today only a few hours ago.

I don't think this is severe enough to go to a Court of Jedi, at least, I really hope not.

We won't be on Coruscant long. Just long enough for the Council to question ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex, Fives, Racer, and I about the events on Umbara. And maybe a little afterward, depending on a few other things. Like whether or not amu (amu - mom) has a Council meeting other than my hearing today.

But even if I am expelled from the Order, at least I saved a vod (vod - brother) from having to be decommissioned. Because I have no doubt that ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex would have eventually been pushed to his breaking point and captured Krell. And when the Umbarans started mounting further attacks, they likely would have killed him, having no choice in the matter, and a vod (vod - brother), likely ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex, would have been sent back to Kamino to be decomed. At least I saved a vod (vod - brother) from that.

I shake my head. No use thinking about what might have been when right now I need to be focused on the here and now. I pull my hair up into a bun, and pull my Padawan braid over my shoulder to hang down my front. I can't help looking down at the beads and bands on it. Every one brings back a memory.

The first bead I ever earned was after Orto Plutonia. A wooden, turquoise colored peacemaker bead with the carving of an olive branch in the front. That one was for ensuring that the Jedi and the Talz were not enemies. And it almost seems like a memorial to the beginning of mine and Riyo's friendship.

The second one I earned was after the Blue Shadow virus incident. A wooden, yellow colored hope bead, with the carving of an eight point star on the front. Amu (amu - mom) told me that some of the vode (vode - brothers) and Ahsoka came to her and said I never gave up hope we would get out, even when they did. I don't really remember feeling like that though.

The third bead in my braid, got put in after Ryloth. A wooden, light orange bead, with the carving of a birch tree on the front. Amu (amu - mom) told me it was because I helped find a way for the people of Ryloth to change their lives, and found a way for General Syndulla and Senator Taa to work together. she said it symbolized helping new beginnings along.

The fourth I got after Malastare. A wooden, light green painted life bead with a flower carving on the front. Amu (amu - mom) said this one was for helping to fight for the Zillo Beast's life. After it was killed on Coruscant, I tried to give that one back. But amu (amu - mom) told me to keep it, as a reminder to never stop fighting for the lives within the galaxy. Whether I succeed or not.

The fifth bead I got after Mandalore. A wooden, dark blue leadership bead with the carving of an eagle head on the front. Amu (amu - mom) told me it was for leading Korkie, Amis, Lagos, and Soniee to fight the corruption of the Mandalorian government. Ahsoka got one of these too.

The next bead is the courage bead I got after Wasskah. It's wooden, and painted red with the carving of a feather. That one is the only one I don't feel like I earned. I was terrified the entire time. Like on Umbara, I just did what I had to do. If I hadn't stepped up, I'm sure somebody else would have.

The bead closest to the bottom is the strength bead I got after I got back to myself after Anakin and Leia's betrayal. It's wooden, like the others, and almost a sunset orange color. The carving on it is of a phoenix. Or a fire bird, depending where you're from. They rise from their ashes to be reborn.

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