Chapter Two: The Mon Cala War

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Amu (amu - mom) and I, along with Master Fisto and Ahsoka, have been assigned as reinforcements to uncle Anakin, aunt Padmé, and the Mon Calamari. Apparently, the Quarren, the other race on Mon Cala, have allied themselves with the Separatists.

We've gotten to Mon Cala, and I'm riding on an LAAT with my squad. My squad are the only men from the 345th, and they got picked because, as cadets, they got the highest marks in swimming. Amu (amu - mom) is riding with Master Fisto though, and buir (buir - dad) and ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Kya, are up in the ship with ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex.

"Blue Leader, standing by," Ahsoka says.

"Magenta leader, standing by," I say into my wrist comm. I've left my earpiece on The Relentless, Luke and I haven't quite figured out how to get them to work underwater yet.

"Red Leader, standing by," Monnk says.

We keep flying, until my comm beeps, and Master Fisto says,

"Commencing deployment now. Three, two, one, mark."

We all jump off, backwards, into the water. I turn around once I'm in and find the mini sub that's waiting for me. And we start making our way downwards towards the battle.

We make our way into the city, and it looks like a brutal battle. Thankfully, Monnk gave me a crash course on how to work one of these things. So I start firing at the droids. It's pretty fun actually, but ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan would consider this "uncivilized".

I put a comm channel through to Ahsoka, "I bet I can blast more than you."

"Really, Skywalker?"


"Oh, you're on!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way!"

We both swerve around to rejoin the battle, I see her go over to help uncle Anakin, but I keep blasting droids. It's immensely fun! And I kind of wish amu (amu - mom) would let me get a blaster, buir (buir - dad) wanted to get me one for my birthday a few years ago, but amu (amu - mom) said no. She lets me train with one, but she says they're uncivilized too.

Oh well, I'll enjoy it while I can.

After Ahsoka's saved uncle Anakin's shebs (shebs - butt), she rejoins me.

"How many have you gotten?" she asks.

"Fifteen." I blast one that was coming up behind her. "Make it sixteen."

"Ten for me. So far."

I laugh, and we zoom off together back into the battle. I go after a droid, but it keeps dodging. Oh come on! Just hold still! I eventually get to following directly behind it, but Monnk blasts it before I can. Oh, come on!

Then uncle Anakin's voice comes from my comm,

"Ahsoka, Leeda, I need you two to cover the prince. I'm going for the Senators."

"You got it, Master."

"On it, uncle Anakin."

We circle back to each other, and then find the prince. He's shooting from the domed top of a

building. With a Karkarodon coming towards him. I look over at Ahsoka, and we nod to each other. I ignite one blade of my lightsaber, and she ignites one of hers.

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