Chapter Six: Galaxy Reacts

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Third-Person POV

With the discovery of the secret marriage between former Senator and Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala, and Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, many planets, and the Senate along with them, are thrown into disarray.

On Naboo, Queen Neeyutnee meets with Padmé Amidala's former aide and handmaiden, Teckla Minnau...

"Ms. Minnau."

Teckla curtsies and says, "Your Majesty."

Queen Neeyutnee gestures to one of the chairs across from her desk and says, "Please, sit."

Teckla walks forward and sits in one of the chairs. Queen Neeyutnee reaches for a datapad and stylus.

"As you are aware, Senator Amidala has resigned from the position of Naboo's Senator. When I asked her if she would recommend someone for the position, she suggested you."

Teckla's eyes widen, and her expression is one of pure and utter shock.


Queen Neeyutnee smiles at the woman, and says, "Indeed. Her praise of your passion for the people of Naboo and knowledge of the Senate's inner workings was rather impressive. I too, believe you would be a good fit for the position of Senator of Naboo."

Teckla blinks with surprise. "I would be honored to represent Naboo in the Senate."

Queen Neeyutnee smiles, and stands, Teckla stand with her. The Queen shakes the new Senator's hand.

"Thank you for accepting the position, Senator Minnau."

"Thank you for the opportunity, Your Majesty."

Queen Neeyutnee nods to the new Senator of Naboo, and Teckla curtsies and takes her leave. For the first people she wants to know about this are the ones in her family. They have been short on hope, and perhaps the news that Teckla will now be representing Naboo in the Senate will give them back that hope.

On Pantora, Chairman Papanoida meets with Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi to try and understand this new development in the Senate...

Senator Chuchi walks into Chairman Papanoida's office, and he gestures for her to take a seat in one of the chairs across from his desk. The Senator sits, and the Chairman asks her,

"What is this news that I've heard from Coruscant? Senator Amidala and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker were married? Is this true?"

"Yes, Chairman, it's true. I attended what the Jedi call Court of Jedi. It was essentially Mr. Skywalker's trial. Master Yoda banished him from the Jedi Order."

Chairman Papanoida nods. "And what of the rumor flying around that Senator Amidala of Naboo has resigned from her position of Senator?"

"That is also true, Chairman."

The Chairman nods gravely. "Could you walk me through the finer points of why he was banished? If we are to work with the Jedi, I wish to understand them as well as possible."

Senator Chuchi nods. "The best way I can understand it is that the Jedi Council does not forbid relationships, romantic or otherwise. Master Fisto said as much during the trial. They do ask that the Council be notified, I suppose to keep track of everything. And if the Jedi marries or courts someone who is not a Jedi, the Jedi's partner can be made aware of any issues. But I'm not sure what those issues are."

Chairman Papanoida nods. "A reasonable rule. I suppose the Council acts as somewhat of a group of parents to the rest of the Jedi."

"I suppose so, Chairman."

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