Chapter Three: Discoveries

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The GAR has done something I never thought they would do. They've given the 327th, 212th, 345th, and 501st shore leave at the same time! Not to mention, Master Vos is on Coruscant at the moment, so Luke said he talked with him, and said that Master Vos said that Luke, Ahsoka, Chase, and I could have lunch with him. Which I am very excited for. Quinlan Vos is kinda, sorta my hero.

He, amu (amu - mom), and ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan are best friends, but I've never met him because he's assigned some of the most lengthy missions that Shadows are assigned. And he almost always accomplishes them. Which is why he's my hero.

"Leeda, if you go any faster you're going to trip over your feet and fall," Luke says.

I roll my eyes. "I don't trip."

"Uh huh. Then what about that time when we were nine and you tripped on a root and broke your arm?"

"Okay. I do trip, but not very often."

"Yeah, right," Chase says, and Ahsoka laughs.

I slow down, and shove Chase's shoulder with my hand. Which makes Ahsoka laugh harder, and Luke starts laughing. I roll my eyes again.

"You know they're just teasing you, Leeda," Ahsoka says.

"Oh, I know. But that just means I'll have to get them back later," I say, looking at my brothers and smirking.

They both sigh. I get people back by sparring with them. And I usually win too. We make it to Master Vos's quarters after a few minutes, and Luke knocks on the door. I give him a confused look, and he says,

"Ba'vodu (ba'vodu - aunt) Aayla told me that if I wanted to not have to bleach my eyes to never, ever, under any circumstances just walk into Quinlan's quarters. I have no idea why, nor do I want to know, but I don't plan on not taking her advice."

"Okay..." Ahsoka, Chase, and I all say.

After a few seconds pass, Master Vos opens the door.

"Luke. Good to see you." He turns to Ahsoka, "I'm guessing you're Ahsoka Tano," he turns to Chase, "You're Chase Skywalker," then he turns to me, "And you must be Leeda Skywalker, Luke says I'm your hero."

My face heats up, and Luke starts laughing hard.

"Luke Wyatt Skywalker! I swear to the Ka'ra (Ka'ra - Mandalorian gods) I will end you!"

He stops laughing, and says, "Please don't. You'd miss being a little sister."

I clench my jaw. "You are pushing your luck," I hiss.

He holds his hands up in surrender and says, "Okay. N'eparavu takisit (N'eparavu takisit - I eat my insult, sorry)."

I roll my eyes. "I'm going to beat your shebs (shebs - butt) when we spar."

"Okay. Just, gedet'ye (gedet'ye - please), don't kill me."

"I'll think about it. If you're nice to me."

Master Vos says, after laughing, "Aayla said you two fought like a pair of tookas, I think she may have underplayed it, actually."

"They do that all the time, Master Vos," Chase says. "But they forgive each other really fast, and in about five minutes she'll be talking to him abut some random thing that popped into her head. Everything forgotten."

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