Chapter Five: Aliit Ori'shya Taldin

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It's been nearly two weeks since Anakin was banished from the Order. Luke, Chase, and I have been given time on Coruscant to process it for a bit. Amu (amu - mom) and buir (buir - dad), ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan, and ba'vodu (ba'vodu - aunt) Aayla have been sent back into the field though. We have two more weeks on Coruscant. Ahsoka, since she doesn't have a Master anymore, is on Coruscant too so the Council can find someone to teach her again. Which is proving difficult. Even just temporarily.

The 501st is here too, the Council is trying to figure out how they're going to divvy up the 501st. Amu (amu - mom) said that the 345th can take a few of them, I think buir (buir - dad) and ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Kya said they wanted ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Rex. And ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan said he could take some of them, ba'vodu (ba'vodu - aunt) Aayla said the same.

If Master Plo didn't have to leave right after Court of Jedi was over, I'd bet a couple of credits he'd take her. They are really close. But he did have to leave, there were battles in the far Outer Rim that the Wolfpack needed their commanding officers back for.

Usually, if a Padawan is left without a Master, his or her Grandmaster will take them on. But ba'vodu (ba'vodu - uncle) Obi-Wan has Chase, so he can't take her. Master Qui-Gon died years ago, and Dooku is... well, a Seppie. And a Sith. And ba'buir (ba'buir - grandfather) Yoda is too old to take another Padawan now.

So the four of us, along with Callum, Master Mundi has been needed on Coruscant, have mostly been watching holomovies to pass the time. We've introduced Callum to Robin Hood, and he thinks it's funny, just like we do.

But today, I want to do something else. Like I usually do, I wake up before my brothers and Ahsoka. But today, I pull on civvies and my boots. I grab my utility belt and lightsaber, put my hair up, then walk quietly out the door. I don't want to wake the others up.

It's pretty early, but it's time for shift change for the Temple Guards. So the hallways are practically deserted. Just as I wanted it to be. I keep an eye out as I head to the hangar where my starfighter is parked. It got pretty messed up in the last aerial battle that I was in. Buir (buir - dad) told me that amu (amu - mom) told the people who usually fix stuff like that to leave it. I think she was hoping I would snap out of the funk I was in and fix it myself.

Well, she was right. Sort of. I am going to get T7 to help me. Her actual number is R4-T7, but she hates being called R4. So it's just T7. It's sort of like how Addy hates being called Aadhya. Both are kind of funny to listen to if somebody calls them the wrong thing.

I walk into the hangar, and like I thought it would be, it's deserted. Except for droids doing their overnight charging. I go over to T7, she's the only dome top, R-series astromech with a magenta and black paint job, that's custom done, so she's not hard to find.

It makes me laugh to remember when she said she was tired of being yellow and silver. She said she wanted to show her loyalty to the 345th and had me paint her silver bits over with black, and her yellow bits over with magenta. Everybody was kinda surprised after I was done, but T7 stopped bugging me about it, so, I count it as a win.

I unplug her, and tell her what I want to do. She beeps happily.

"Okay, okay. Come on. I've got to look at it first."

She gives a string of beeps and whistles, that translates to, "Hurry up. You haven't come to

see me in weeks! I want to fix it!"

"We will. Come on, T7."

She beeps and speeds ahead of me over to my fighter. I wince when I see how bad of a beating it took. It's not as bad as some, but it's still sort of bad. There are scorch marks all over my fighter, and my cockpit cover is hanging on by a thread. And that's only the damage to the outside! I'd be willing to bet at least ten credits that somewhere on the inside is worse.

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