Epilogue: Beginning of the End

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Third-Person POV

While the members of the Jedi Order are reuniting... After the Senate of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic Senate have signed a peace treaty... And while a new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic is being elected, elsewhere in the galaxy, darkness brews. On a dusty and mountainous planet name Morraband, also known as Korriban, two figures make their way through the Sith Temple located in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Both wear dark cloaks that hide their faces as they march toward the end of the hallway. The black, obsidian doors open for them, and the two walk up to a throne. The shorter figure, a female, bows to the taller figure, a male, and the man kneels before the throne. A shroud of darkness comes down on him, and surrounds him.

In the large room, the whispers of the darkness are amplified and echo. "Rise... Darth Vader... Dark Lord... of the Sith... Claim. Your. Throne."

He lets out a fearsome yell, and the darkness retreats. The male stands, and walk up toward the throne. The smaller female then kneels before the man. The male turns around to face the girl, and the same shroud of darkness descends on the girl. She makes no sound, and stays kneeling until the darkness whispers,

"Rise... Darth... Atra... Dark Lady... of the Sith... Take your place... at the side... of your Master."

The girl rises, and when the man takes the throne, she moves to stand at his side. A wind whips through the room, and the cloaks of the two whip around them. Their hoods are pushed back far enough that you can see the sickening golden yellow of the irises of their eyes. The sign of the Sith.

On the other side of the galaxy, on the forested planet of Ashas Ree, a Jedi Padawan named Leeda Skywalker, daughter of Jedi Master Ileema Kenobi and Clone Commander Logan, twin sister of Luke Skywalker, older sister of Chase Skywalker, granddaughter of Shmi Skywalker, Master Yoda, and Alpha-17, and girlfriend of Callum Dalori, sits up with a gasp.

The Clone Wars have just ended, and yet, the battle seems to have only begun. Leeda pushes herself to her feet, and goes to find the Jedi Council. The new members of the Council, Twi'lek Jedi Master Aayla Secura, Nautolan Jedi Master Nyn Tu, Tholothian Jedi Master Stass Allie, Wookiee Jedi Master Boeti, Rodian Jedi Master Zatsei Darta, and Human Jedi Master Kole Arlos have been working with the longer standing members of the Council to get their secession from the Republic ironed out.

Especially since the Jedi are trying to keep the cruisers for transportation and medical missions, the vode (vode - brothers), and the Jedi Temples that were built on Republic worlds.

Their current meeting though, is interrupted by Leeda when she bursts into the tent. Her eyes wide and fearful. Ileema Kenobi stands and asks her,

"Leeda, what's wrong."

The teenage looks up at her mother, and says, "The Sith. The Sith are back."

The eyes of the Council members widen. And Nyn breathes out a weak, "What?"

"I had a vision. I saw a dusty and mountainous planet. There was a Sith Temple there. Two figures, a man and a girl, made their way through the Temple. When they were in a throne room, a cloud of darkness came down on them. It called them Darth Vader and Darth Atra."

"Hmm... Your dreams, saved us many times they have. Look out for the Sith, we will. Become complacent again, we cannot. Remain vigilant, we must. But rebuild the Order now, we will. Remain vigilant, and enjoy peace we can. Both, we will do. Chancellor Iblis, peace he will bring. Enjoy it while it lasts, the Jedi should."

Leeda nods to the Grandmaster of the Order, and leaves the tent. The moons of Ashas Ree shine on the girl's face as she walk toward the Temple. The Padawan kneels in front of the Temple and whispers,

"Site, Ar-Amu (site, Ar-Amu - please, All Mother). Gedet'ye, Ka'ra (gedet'ye, Ka'ra - please, gods [Ka'ra are the Mandalorian gods). I beg the Force to guide us all."

A wind blows, and a whisper from the Force blows. A feeling of peace washes over Leeda Skywalker, and she smiles. In the future, things may take a turn for the worse, but for now, there is peace. And that peace gives a time to rebuild. A time to love. And a time to live freely, without the fear of war.

Even through being vigilant, and watching for the signs of something else to come, peace, happiness, and the time to be a child can be felt. The childhoods that these teenagers missed out on will be given back to them. They will finally have the chance to act as they have never been able to.

Through the darkness that looms in the distance, the Force feels content. For the children of the Force, the Aethe'rith (aethe'rith - star-touched), are safe. They are well. And they can be happy. So the Force is at rest for the first time in sixteen years.


"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." -Winston Churchill

A/N: I'm finished with the first four books. It feels so weird, and I'm kind of sad. I didn't actually start developing this story line for Leeda until November of last year. I actually had a totally different story line in mind when I first started developing this, but I am so much happier with how this turned out. The past few months of writing this have been great and I have plans to continue this series. The next book will be titled The Clone Wars: Years of Peace.

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