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(Y/n's POV)

After me and my band Overdose were picked by a major label and we released an album we got hired to play at a party full of celebrities, who were celebrating the success of the show they all had been a part of.

CM:" Ok everyone head to get your microphones and IEM's and head into stage"

Me and the rest of the members did as told, but before we went onto stage, our manager gave us a little pep talk.

Manager:" Ok guys remember that once you enter that stage you have to give the best performance ever given, and remember you aren't playing for regular people like your fans you're playing for celebrities"

All:" Yes, ma'am....1,2,3, OVERDOSE!!"


As soon as we finished our performance, we were greeted by Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers backstage. Turns out that Jenna was a big fan of Overdose and had always wanted to meet us in person, she introduced herself to me and the rest of the band in excitement even though we already knew who she was. Emma, however, was there mostly for the party since she had never heard of Overdose before, which not gonna lie was a bit disappointing to hear.

After a while the rest of the members said their goodbyes to both Jenna and Emma and decided they were going to leave already, but I decided to stay a little while more with both of them. The three of us ended up talking for a while about music, acting, and we even shared some of our experiences working in the entertainment industry. I told them about my upcoming tour with the band, Jenna explained to me how difficult filming certain scenes of Wednesday had been and Emma told us about a new role she was preparing to play.

Overall, our conversation was relaxing and friendly, I couldn't believe that I had just spent time talking to my two favorite celebrities, I felt honored to have been able to meet them, I even promised on sending them a copy of the new album once it comes out. Once we were saying our goodbyes, both Jenna and Emma exchanged phone numbers with me.


Once I got home, I received a text from a gc I had created with Jenna and Emma.

Jenna: J❤️
                         The Hottie Gc

J❤️: Hello

E💜: Hi

Hello: Y/n

J❤: Are you two interested on hangout next Weekend

E💜: Yes ofc!

Yeah, I'm down to hangout: Y/n

E💜: Day, time, and place?

J❤: Saturday, 12:30pm at a coffee shop

Sounds good to me: Y/n

E💜: Ok, can't wait to see you guys

J❤️: Neither can I

Me either: Y/n

E💜: Anyways gn<3

J❤️: Gn<3

Gn y'all<33: Y/n

After I sent that last text, I fell asleep.


We had been texting here and there throughout the week about our plans. The whole week leading up to me hanging-out with them, my bandmates and I had been really busy with rehearsals and promoting our upcoming tour and new album, Jenna and Emma on the other hand where working on their respective projects but we still found some time to text each other and update each other about the progress in our projects.

(That was the end of chapter 2 hope you guys enjoyed it, also most of the chapters will be in y/n's point of view unless said otherwise. Ly all take care<3)

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