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(Y/N's POV)

That night both Jenna and Emma stayed at my house to sleep, Emma stayed in my room, Jenna stayed in the guest room, and I stayed on the living room floor, cause let's be honest here the floor is way more comfortable than the couch.
It is currently 9:30 am and Jenna, Emma, and I we're sitting down at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

Y/n: "So umm I have a surprise for the two of you to celebrate our 7th month anniversary"

Emma:" A surprise? 🤨"

Jenna:" What kind of surprise?"

Y/N:" I can't say much so I don't spoil the surprise but all I can say and all you can know is that it's a really big surprise"

After breakfast I told Jenna & Emma to get in the back seats of the car, buckle up their seatbelts and put a blindfold on. After they did everything, I instructed them I got inside the driver's seat buckled my seat belt, turned on the car and started driving.
Once we arrived at our destination, I parked the car before getting off and walked to the back of the car and opened the door so I could help both get out.

Y/n: "Ok Emma hold my left hand and Jenna hold Emma's left hand"

After they did as instructed, I started walking slowly making sure to keep them from getting hurt or falling. Once we were in front of the surprise I let go of Emma's hand.

Y/n:" Ok E & J at the count of three you'll remove the blindfold; 1...2...3"

They quickly took them off and looked at me with a confused expression on their faces.

Jenna:" Y/n umm why are we in front of a random strangers house"

Y/n:" It's not a random stranger's house"

Emma:" Then who's is it"

Y/n:" SURPRISE!! It's OUR house"

J&E: "WHAT!?"

Emma:" What do you mean by OUR house"

Y/n:" I bought it so we can all move in together"

Jenna: "Why"

Y/n:" I thought since we've been together for a while now and you guys had mentioned that you'd like to leave with me I figured that the house I'm currently leaving in is too small it won't fit all three of us plus my little brother, so I decided to buy this nicer and bigger house"

(The house you bought)

Jenna:" How sweet and thoughtful of you"

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Jenna:" How sweet and thoughtful of you"

Emma: "I got a question, well it's more out of curiosity"

Y/n:" Sure what's up"

Emma:" When exactly are we moving into this new house"

Y/n:" That's a good question and the answer is whenever you guys would like that way you two can have enough time to pack everything you need"
It's been a few weeks now since I surprised J & E with the house, and we moved in together. Currently I've just left both J&E in charge of Mike since I got to do some interviews with the rest of the band.

Our first interview was Carpool Karaoke with James Corden where we sang along with him to some of our songs as well as talked about our upcoming projects as a band. The last interview we had was with Jimmy Fallon where we sat down and talked to him about our music, career, and our lives.

After the interview with Jimmy Fallon was over and I was in my car driving to the studio I decided to call Jenna to see how she and Emma were doing as well as how Mike was.
Once the band and I were done at the studio we all said our goodbyes before I made my way back home. As I was pulling up to the house, I saw one of the most adorable things I've ever seen and that was J & E playing tag with Mike outside, I'm not lying when I say that that didn't make happy cause it did.

Mike: "Sisi you home'

Y/n:"Hi bud, where you good today?"

Mike:"Yesh, you can ashk J"

Y/n:"No need I believe you"

Emma:" Hello baby"

Y/n:"Hi love"

Jenna:" Hello love"

Y/n:"Hello darling"

Emma:" How was work?"

Y/n:" Oh yk it was ok"

Jenna: "Are you hungry?"

Y/n:" A bit yes"

Jenna:" Ok E come on let's go make dinner"
After dinner we all took a shower (separately), I put Mike to sleep before going back downstairs and into the living room where J & E were waiting for me already.

Y/n:"So what should we do now?"

Emma:" I was thinking on playing some games"

Y/n:"Ok, what about you J"

Jenna:" I was thinking on watching some movies while eating and drinking different types of sacks and drinks"

Y/n:"Sound good, let's do both"

As we watched some random movie that Jenna choosed I just couldn't stop thinking of how I got so fucking lucky to be dating to of the most beautiful and amazing women in the world. I truly love them so much and I'm thankful that they are in my life and to be able to proudly call them my gf's.

This is the end of chapter 11. Hope you are all doig well and having an amazing day/night. Luv you all take care <3.

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