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(Y/n's POV)

As I was making breakfast for me and Mike, I heard noises coming from my room upstairs, so I stopped what I was doing and made my way up the stairs once on the second floor I went towards my room and as I opened the door, I was about to hit Mike who was standing behind it.

Y/n:" Good morning, bud"

Mike:"Gwud moning sisi"

Y/n:" Are you hungry"

Y/n:" Ok, let's go downstair to the kitchen so you can eat breakfast and then we can come back upstairs to give you a shower and get you ready for the day ok buddy"

Mike:"Ok sisi"

I picked up Mike from where he was standing and carried him downstair and into the kitchen and sitting him down on his baby chair my dad had also made me buy after my mom's death.


Once we were done eating, I picked up our plates and washed them before carrying Mike and going back upstairs, we headed into my room to get some clothes for Mike and giving him a shower.

(What Mike is wearing)

Y/n:" Ok buddy, now that you are nice and clean, do you wanna go to the park"

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Y/n:" Ok buddy, now that you are nice and clean, do you wanna go to the park"


Y/n:"Ok buddy lets go"


Once we arrived at the park, we walked toward where the playground was so Mike could play a little. While Mike was playing on the slide, I was sitting down on a bench keeping an eye on him.

Jenna:" Emma is that Y/n"

Emma: "Where?"

Jenna:"The one sitting down on that bench by the playground"

Emma:" Oh yeah, we should walk up to her"

Jenna:" Yeah, let's go"

As I stood up to the bench and started to walk to where Mike was, I heard someone call my name, so I turned in the direction I heard the voice come from but didn't see anyone, so I kept walking until I arrived with Mike and picked him up.

Jenna:" I don't think she heard me"

Emma: "Try shouting her name louder"


I heard someone calling my name again and when I turned in the direction, I heard it coming from I saw Jenna and Emma who waved at me, so I walked over to where they were standing while still carrying Mike.

Y/N:"Hi guys, watcha doing here"

J&E:"Hi y/n/n"

Emma: "We're here at the park because it's our day off"

Y/n:"That's cool"

Jenna:"Y/n/n who's the kid"

Y/n:" Oh right, guys this is my lil brother Mike, Mike this are my friends Jenna and Emma"

Emma: "Hello Mike"


Jenna:" Hi buddy"

Mike:" Hi"

Emma: "You didn't tell us you had a brother"

Y/n:" I actually have two and older brother and this lil guy"

Jenna: "So you're the only girl"

Y/n:"Yup...do any of you have any siblings"

Emma: "Yes, I have three sisters"

Y/n:"How about you J"

Jenna:" I have five siblings"

Y/n:"I guess your parents kept themselves busy"

After I said that we all started laughing except for Mike since he didn't understand what I meant"

Jenna:" Yeah, I guess they did"

Emma: "Sorry y/n/n but Jen and I have to go"

Y/n:" It's ok, it was nice seeing you guys"

Jenna:" It was nice seeing you too y/n/n"

Y/n:" Before you two go I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over to my house for dinner today"

J&E:"Yeah, see you there"

Y/n:"Ok, I'll text you the address then"

J&E:"Ok bye"

Y/n:" Bye, say bye bye to them buddy"

Mike: "Bye bye"

J&E:"Bye Mike, it was nice to meet you"

After we said our goodbyes Jenna and Emma left and so did Mike and I.

Y/n:"Where you wanna go lil dude"

Mike: "Ice cwim shop"

Y/n:"Ok, let's go"

After the Ice cream shop Mike and I went back home, once we got home, I took Mike to the living room turning on the TV to the cartoon channel to keep him distracted while I cleaned the house and prepare everything for dinner with J and E later tonight.

That was the end of chapter 6, sorry if it was kinda short. Anyways how's everyone doing?

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