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(Y/n's POV)


Kevin:"Hello y/n/n"

"Hello Kev what's up":Y/n

Kevin: "Could you come to dad's house asap"

"Why? Is something wrong? Is he ok?":Y/n

Kevin:" Calm down everything's fine, dad's ok he just has smth important to tell us"

"Ok then I'll be there soon":Y/n

As soon as the call ended, I got out of bed quickly and got ready to go. As I was about to walk out the door, I heard footsteps coming from the staircase, so I turned around to see who it was.

Jenna:" Good morning, where you going so early?"

Y/n:" Morning, I'm going to my dad's house he wants to talk about smth"

Jenna: "Oh ok is Mike going with you?"

Y/n:" No, umm I was actually wondering if you and E can take care of him while I'm gone"

Jenna:" Yes ofc we can"

Y/n:"Thank you"

Jenna:"Np love"
Once I arrived at my dad's house, I could see that Kevin was waiting for me outside by the door, so I quickly parked my car and got off walking toward him.

Kevin: "You finally made it what took you so long"

Y/n:"I stopped to pump gas at the gas station on my way here"

Kevin:" Whatever let's go inside now"

We made our way inside and headed straight up to his office as we were told he would be there by one of his men.

*Knock Knock* 

Mark:" Come on in"

Kevin opened the door and both him and I walked inside our dad's office.

Mark:" Hello kiddos, Kevin pls close the door"

Y/n:"Hi dad"

Mark:"Hello y/n/n"

Kevin:" Hello dad"

Mark:" Hello Kevin...pls both of you take a seat"

Y/n:" So what is it that you wanna tell us"

Mark:" I'm glad you asked y/n you won't believe what I'm about to say"

Kevin:" What is it?"

Mark: "Finally I was able to find Miguel"

Y/n:" What? How?"

Mark:" With the help of one of my best men, and that's not even the best part"

Kevin:" What? There's more"

Mark:" Yes, we also found his family and the location on where they are living"

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