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(Y/n's POV)

After we were done with the concert the rest of the band and I were buzzing with adrenaline and excitement. We had put on a killer performance or so I hope we did. The band and I decided to sign some autographs and even take pictures with our fans.

After all the fans had left the venue the rest of the band members did as well I on the other hand was still waiting on my driver to pick me up so I decided to text Jenna and Emma to let them know that once I got back to my hotel and into my hotel room I will FT them.


(On FT With J & E)

Jenna: "How was the show"

"It was good we all had fun" :Y/n

Emma:" I saw a video on TikTok about the concert"

"Seriously what there's already videos about the concert on TikTok" :Y/n

Emma:" Not only on TikTok but also in YouTube, IG, and Twitter"

Jenna: "There were people that were going live during the concert"

"I should of have known that would happen" :Y/n

Emma: "So how many days are you going to be in each city of the world tour"

"We will perform two days in each city we visit but we will be staying in each city for a whole week" :Y/n

Jenna: "So when will you be back in LA"

"We will be back in LA in 6 months" :Y/n

Emma: "So you won't be back for a while then"

"Exactly" :Y/n

Jenna:" Changing topics who did you left your little brother with"

"I left him with my older brother" :Y/n

Emma: "Why not with your dad"

"Because I don't trust him with Mike after what happened" :Y/n

Emma:"Oh ok, Changing topics again I have something to ask you both"

"What is it" :Y/n

Jenna: "What do you want to ask us E"

Emma:" Umm I was you know wondering about the possibility of you know us three being in a relationship together you know as gf's"

"Are you suggesting for all three of us to be in a Threesome together" :Y/n

Emma: "Yes that's exactly what I'm talking about y/n/n"

Jenna: "Wouldn't be called a Polyamorous relationship"

Emma:" Threesome and Polyamorous are basically the same thing it still means three people in a relationship"

"Ok Emma so to answer your previous question Emma about us three being gf's I first have to say that I think both of you are wonderful and amazing woman and I personally say that I am willing to try a relationship between all three of us" :Y/n

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