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(Y/n's POV)

A/N:Time skip to the end of the tour cause why not.

Finally, after 6 long months me and the rest of the band we're going back to L.A and I get to see my brothers and my father again as well as both Jenna and Emma.

*Knock on your hotel room*

Y/N:"Who is it?"

Jess:" Gurl it's me Jess the guys are already waiting for us in the hotel lobby are you ready we need to be at the airport in 15"

Y/N:"Give me a sec let me just get my phone"

Jess:" Fine"

I quickly got my phone from the small table in my hotel room and headed towards the door and exit the room.

Jess:"Gurl first of all you look good and second of all why you take so long?"

Y/n:" Thnx Jess, I took a shower that's why also I might have missed my alarm well actually I clicked snooze like 5 times"

Jess: "Why am I not surprise you did that 😅"



Going back to L.A

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@Alpha Replying to @badbitch_y/n
Safe travels kiddo

@sexy_doc Replying to @badbitch_y/n
Have a good flight lil sis and see you when you get here

@JennaOrtega Replying to @badbitch_y/n
Can't wait to see you again

@ememyers Replying to @badbitch_y/n
Have a safe travel and see you soon 😉

@cum_for_me_y/n Replying to @badbitch_y/n
My wife is finally coming back home to me
       @married-to-your-mom4267 Replying to @cum_for_me_y/n
You mean MY wife is coming home to ME
@Unkown15749 Replying to @married-to-your-mom4267
I think you mean OUR wife

@Momfucker85381 Replying to @badbitch_y/n
Is nobody gonna talk about Emma and Jenna replying to Y/n's post
@Daddylover_92102 Replying to @Momfucker85381

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I turned my phone off and put it inside my pocket as I heard our flight get called trough, the intercom. So, I get my luggage and head towards the boarding area along with the rest of the band.


After a couple of hours had passed by, we've finally arrived back in L.A so I got my phone out to text my brother.


Hey stupid, the plane just landed where are you?: Y/N

K3V1N: Yello, shit face I'm outside of the airport waiting for you.

K3V1N: I meant *hello* but this stupid autocorrect

Ok, see you in a min :Y/N

K3V1N: fyi the pap's are in here like always, do you and the band have your bodyguards

Fucking pap's can't they leave us the fuck alone for once in their life, I swear I hate them so fucking much :Y/N

Yes, we have our bodyguards with us: Y/N

K3V1nN: Ok good


Once we made it back to my house and I was getting ready to open my door I realized that it was unlocked *shit did I forget to lock it before I left on tour* *what if someone broke in* those were my thoughts but once I went inside with Kevin following behind carrying my luggage as soon as I turned on the light there they were my friends and family along with Jenna and Emma all yelling "SURPRISE!!" and "WELCOME BACK!!".

Suddenly my dad walked up to me while he was carrying Mike.

Mark: "Welcome back kiddo, I missed you so much"

Mike:"Hewo big sisi"

Y/N: "Hello dad, missed you too, and hello bud I missed you so much"

I gave both my dad and Mike a hug before making my way to were everyone else was, specially Jenna and Emma. Btw we yet haven't told our family and friends that we're all in a relationship, we've been keeping it a secret for the past 6 months I've been on tour. I wonder how everyone will react to the news once we tell them.

This is the end of chapter 9 hope you enjoy it. Hope you're all doing well. Luv y'all <3.

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