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(Y/n's POV)

We got into some Black SUV'S and drove to where Miguel and his family are at, once we arrived, we made sure to park a few blocks down the street so we could do more of a surprise attack.

Mark:" Ok let's go over the plan one more time to make sure we do this shit correctly. Ok Kevin you and your group will go through the back, Y/n you and your group will go through the west side of the house, and my group and I will go trough the east side, finally the one guy who from our team that's infertrated inside Miguels home will give our hackers acces to disable the camaras so we won't be seen"

Kevin:" Let's get this shit started"

Mark:" Not so quickly first of all we need weapons and secondly we need walkie talkies so we can have communication"

We quickly got some weapons and our walkie talkies and some other shit before we each headed to our assigned areas. We waited a few seconds before receiving the signal that the security camaras had successfully been deactivated before we broke inside.

Surprisingly there weren't many of Miguel security guards around, so it was easy to get around. After minutes of searching, I finally found the bedrooms, so I carefully made my way to the first one and as I opened it *bingo* I found Miguels only son Jim. 

Jim:" Who are you?"

Y/n:" Your worst nightmare"

I quickly walked toward the boy and gripped him by his arm and dragged him out of his bed and down to the living room surprisingly Kevin was already there with Miguels mom sitting down in the floor with her hands and legs tied down with a rope and some tape in her moth so I did the same with the boy.

Kevin and I then left some of our dad's men to keep an eye on the boy and old lady while we went to look for our dad.

(With Mark)

Mark:"Did ya miss me Miguel"

Miguel:" How the fuck did you find me"

Mark:"I got my ways"

Miguel:"What the fuck do you want"

Mark:"To get revenge for killing Becky"

Miguel:"Seriously that's fucking stupid of you"

Mark:"What do you mean"

Miguel:"That you are fucking stupid if you think that you will be able to get your revenge on me"

Mark:"Why is that?"

Miguel:"Because while you and your stupid fucking children where celebrating that you had found me and my family I was getting ready for your arrival"

Mark:"What are you talking about"

Miguel:"Do you recognize the name Jhonn...the guy you infiltrated to work with me well I cought him giving you info so I gave him two options one was him getting killed along his family or two inform me of every thing you asked him for"

Kevin and I finnally arrived to where our dad and Miguel where and we saw both of them talking to eachother while standing in front of one another.

Mark:"That still wont stop me from getting my revenge"

Miguel:"True true true but now since my audience has arrived"

He said pointing at me and Kevin causing our dad to look back at us.

Migueel:"maybe this will"

He pulled out a gun from behing his back he pulled down on the trigger and he shot our dad. 

Y/n:"NOOOO!! DAD!!"

I quickly walked toward where my dad was now laying down in the floor.I pulled out my walkie talkie asking for reinforcement and for someone to get a medical kit so Kevin could try to save our dads life. Kevin on the other hand walked up toward Miguel pulled out his gun and shot Miguel on the head killing him.

Once the medical kit was brought to us Kevin started working on saving our dad's life and I walked back into the livingroom full of anger and with my gun in hand and without hesitation once I arrived I pulled on the gun trigger and killed both Miguel's mom and son. 

As I was going to head back to were Kevin and my father was the front door of Miguel's home opened up and there she was Miguels wife so I yet again pulled the trigger of the gun and shot her aswell.Then finally making my way back to Kevin and my dad.

Y/n:"How's dad? Will he be ok?"

Kevin:"I'm sorry y/n/n I tried my best but he lost a lot of blood and now he's gone"

Y/n:"No this can't be pls tell me your joking"

Kevin:"I can't hes gone, he's dead"

Y/n:"No no no no this can't be happening he can't be dead we need him Mike needs him"

Kevin:"I know, I'm sorry"

Y/n:"What am I going to say to Mike when he ask me where our dad is"

Kevin:"The truth, I know it's gonna hurt but it's the best thing we can do"

Y/n:"This wasn't supposed to happen"

Kevin:"I know it wasn't but at least we got our revenge"

Y/n:"That doesn't fucking matter Kev our dad just got killed in-front of our fucking eyes"

Kevin:" At least his with mom now"

This is the end of chapter 13 what did y'all think about it. Btw just a few more chapters left before this story comes to its end. Luv y'all stay safe.

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