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(Y/n's POV)

*On call with your dad*

Old Man

"Hello": Y/n

Mark:" H-hi k-kiddo"

"Dad is something wrong":Y/n

Mark:" Yes, I-it's y-your brother M-mike he's in the hospital"

" Why,what happened....dad answer me I'm starting to freak out": Y/n

Mark:" Idk what happened, just meet me at the hospital that's by my house"

" Ok I'll be there in 15": Y/n

As soon as the call ended, I started to tear up and Jack came into my room.

Jack:" Yo y/n/n are- what's wrong why are you crying"

Y/n:" My father called and said that my lil bro is at the hospital"


Jessica:" What Ja-gurl what happened to you why are you crying"

Jack:" Her little brother Mike is in the hospital"

Mason:" So are we still hanging out today or-"

Jack: "Dude ofc not, her brother's health is more important than hanging out with us"

Jess:" Gurl do you want us to go with you to the hospital"

Y/n:"No, I'm going alone but thnx for the offer"

Jess:" Ok but text us when you get there and keep us updated of his health"

Y/n:" I will, you guys can stay here while I'm gone if you want if not, please lock the door when you leave, bye"

All:" Ok, bye"

I ran downstair grabbed my car keys and quickly ran out of my house and got into my car before driving to the hospital, which was 30 minutes away from where I live but I'm pretty sure I got there in like 15, since I was speeding surprisingly, I wasn't pull over by any cops.

Once I arrived at the hospital I quickly got out of my car after parking and ran inside, once inside I tried to stay as calm as possible as I walked to the registration desk.

Nurse:" Hello miss, what may I help you with today"

Y/n:" Um, hi I came to visit Mike, Mike L/n"

Nurse:" Ok, what's your name and how are you related to him"

Y/n:" My name is Y/n L/n and I'm Mike's older sister"

Nurse:" Ok, his room number is 236 and it's located on the second floor"

Y/n:" Ok, thank you so much"

I walked toward the elevators and as soon as I had pressed the button, I heard a *ding* and an elevator's door opened, I quickly walked inside and pressed the button for the second floor. Once the elevator had stopped and opened on the second floor I got out and walked down the hallway full of room doors until I found room 236 where Mike was in. I knocked and waited for a couple of seconds before the door was opened by my dad.

Y/n:" Dad how's Mike, what did the doctors say"

Dad:" Mike is doing better, the doctors said that Mike had an allergic reaction towards some peanut butter he had eaten"

Y/n:" He's allergic to peanut butter"

Mark:" Not only peanut butter, but he's also allergic to peanuts and anything that is made out of or have peanuts in them"

Y/n:" Ok, but how tf did he get a hold of the peanut butter"

Mark: "Well he-"

Doctor:" Sorry for interrupting your conversation but I just came in to let you know that Mike is now free to go and here is a prescription for an EpiPen and also a list of foods and product that might contain peanuts that Mike can't eat"

Mark:"Ok thank you"

Once the doctor left the room my dad walked up to Mike and helped him get ready to go home.

Y/n:" Dad we will continue our conversation once we get home, ok"

Mark:" Ok y/n"

I walked up to my little brother to carry him and walked him out to the car while my dad went down to the pharmacy and got the EpiPen Mike was going to need to use.

Y/n:" Hello bud, how are you feeling"

Mike:" Hi sisi, I'm feeing gwud"

Y/n:" I'm glad to hear that you're feeling good, are you ready to go home bud"

Mike: "Yesh"

Y/n:"Ok let's go"

Once we walked out of the hospital I walked toward my car and sat Mike down in his car seat and put on his seatbelt, after my mother died my dad had made me buy one to have in my car for Mike, I closed the backseat door and walked toward the driver's side opened the door and got in, once I was inside my car I put my seatbelt on and turned the car on before texting my friends/bandmates that everything was fine and that Mike had been let out of the hospital. After I sent them the message I drove off to my dad's house, I obviously called him to let him know I had left the hospital with Mike and was on my way to his house and that I will be waiting there for him to arrive.

That was the end of chapter 4. Hope you guys liked it, stay safe<3.

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