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(Y/n's POV)

Once I arrived at my dad's house Mike and I waited for him to get back from the pharmacy with the EpiPen. Once he arrived, I got out of my car and got Mike and went inside. I let Mike down and told him to go to his room while I talked with my dad.

Mark:" What do you wanna talk about kiddo"

Y/n:" I want you to explain to me how tf did Mike get into the pantry and into the peanut butter"

Mark:" Well, I had a very important business meeting with one of my suppliers, so I left Mike alone while I was in the meeting, which I guess it's when he got into the pantry and the peanut butter"

Y/n:" Wait, you're telling me that you left Mike alone without adult supervision because of a stupid meeting you had with one of your suppliers"

Mark:" Yes, but at least I found him in time and was able to take him to the hospital before it got worst"

Y/n:" What if you hadn't found him in time.... Mike could have died because of your irresponsibility"

Mark:" I know but it didn't happen"

Y/n:" Dad I think it's better if I take Mike to live with me for a while, at least until he fully recovers, and you show me that I can trust you with Mike again and that you are responsible"

Mark:" Ok and I'm sorry kiddo for not being more careful with Mike"

Y/n:"It's ok dad we all make mistakes that we have to learn from, now if you excuse me, I'm going to go pack Mike's stuff so we can go back to my house"

Mark:" Ok kiddo"

I went upstairs and into Mike's room getting a suitcase and packing up his clothes, pj's, shoes, toys, etc. One I finished packing his stuff I closed the suitcase before grabbing it and walking up to Mike who was choosing a plushie to take with him.

Y/n:" Hey bud, have you chosen the plushie you want to take"

Mike: "Yesh, I want tu take thish whino"

Y/n:" Ok bud, let's go downstairs so you can say goodbye to dada ok"


I grabbed the suitcase from its handle in my left hand and with my right hand I picked Mike up and carried him and went downstairs where my dad was waiting for us in the living room.

Y/n:" Ok bud, say bye bye to dada"

Mike: "Bye bye dada, wove wu"

Mark:" Bye kiddo, love you too... Y/n please promise me that you are going to take care of Mike"

Y/n:" I promise dad, now if you don't mind, we have to leave already before it gets late"

Mark:" Yeah, ok drive safely and text me once you get home"
Y/n:" Yes dad, bye"

Mark: "Bye kiddo's"


After 35 minutes of driving, I finally made it back to my house with Mike. I parked my car in the driveway before getting out and opened the back door of my car to get Mike who was asleep so I picked him up and went inside heading straight to my room and laying him down in the bed and covering him up with the blanket that was on the side before going back downstair and out the front door to go back to my car and get his suitcase. Once I got his suitcase, I locked my car and went inside quickly grabbing my phone to text my dad and let him know we were home.

I walked upstairs with the suitcase to my room, once I got to my room I placed the suitcase down next to the door and then walked toward my closet to get my pj's and going to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth before going back to my room and putting my phone to charge before laying down in my bed next to Mike and hugged him before falling asleep.


As I woke up the next day, I was blinded by the sunlight come inside my room from the partially opened blinds I looked to see if Mike was still a sleep and ofc he was, I picked up my phone to see what time it was and noticing that I had some unread text messages from my friends/bandmates so I decided to open them up.

Jack: JP😎

Mason: Stupid ass🙄

Jessica: Baddy😜

Overdose Gc

JP😎: Hello y/n/n how's your lil bro doing

Baddy😜: Hey gurl how's Mike feeling

Stupid ass🙄: Guys I think this bitch is ignoring us

Baddy😜: Bae don't call my bestie a bitch or I'ma break up with you

JP😎: I don't think she's ignoring us, she's probably busy making sure her brother is ok....and Mason don't ever call y/n/n a bitch remember that she our band leader and she can kick you out of the band if she wants to

Hello guy's sorry for not answering your text was busy with Mike: Y/n

Baddy😜: It's ok gurl, don't need to apologize

JP😎: It's all good y/n/n, how's your lil bro doing

Stupid ass🙄: Hi y/n/n how's Mike

Mike is doing good but he's going to be leaving with me for a while.... Oh,and MJ I'm not a bitch: Y/n

JP😎: Glad your bro is ok

Stupid ass🙄: Sorry y/n/n for calling you a bitch

Apology accepted,anyways gatta go Mike just woke up and I need to feed him bye: Y/n

It was a lie btw Mike was still asleep since it was 8:45 am, I just didn't want to text them anymore and besides I had to get out of bed, take a shower, get ready and go downstairs to make breakfast since today I just wanted to relax and hangout with Mike which lately I haven't been doing cause of work, but I'll probably invite Jenna and Emma over for dinner later today if they aren't too busy so they can meet Mike.

That's the end of chapter 5 hope you liked it if not it's fine, anyways how's everyone feeling today?

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