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(Y/n's POV)

It was finally Saturday; I had just  finished all my rehearsals for the day and I was so excited to hang out with Jenna and Emma today. Since I had been in the studio for most of the morning, I decided to drive back home to take a quick shower and get myself ready.

(What Y/n is wearing.... you can also change it to fit your style)

Once I finished getting ready, I got my car keys and drove to the coffee shop we agreed to meet at. When I arrived at the coffee shop I got out of my car and headed inside. Once I was inside, I quickly spotted Jenna and Emma, they were sitting down at a table booth by a window, so I made my way towards them.

Y/n: "Hi guys"

Jenna: "Hello"

Emma:" Hi y/n/n"

Jenna:" You can seat with me or with Emma"

Y/n:" Ok, thnx"

I decided to take a seat next to Jenna. After a couple of minutes, a waiter walked up to our table.

Waiter:" Hello, lady's I'm going to be your waiter for the day, may I take your order"

Emma:" Hi, yes, I would like a cappuccino"

Jenna:" And I would like a vanilla latte"

Waiter:" Ok, and for you miss"

Y/n:"I would like a y/f/d"

Waiter:" Ok, I will bring your drinks in a few minutes"


Once we finished our coffees, we talked for a couple of hours before we relized that it was starting to get late, so we decided to leave the coffee shop and I invited them home to watch a movie, but Jenna said it was almost time for her to FT her family and Emma needed to go do something, so I walked each of them to their cars as we said our goodbyes and both of them gave me a hug before getting into their car and driving off leaving me there alone.

I got into my car and decided to go home to get some rest since today had been exhausting.


It was 7:30 am and it was Suday I have just woken up, so I decided to get out of my bed getting my phone and a BT speaker before I head toward my closet to get some clothes and going into the bathroom to take a shower. Once in the bathroom I connected my phone to my BT speaker, opened Spotify and played my favorite playlist. After 35 minutes I got out of the shower, changed into my clothes and brushed my hair and teeth before heading out and  walking downstairs into the kitchen to make and eat breakfast. While eating breakfast I decided to text my friends/bandmates to come over to my house.

Once I was done eating, I picked up my plate and washed my dishes after that I decided to clean my house which by the way just needed to be vacuumed and dusted, as soon as I finished cleaning, I sat down in my couch and turned on the tv to a random channel when the doorbell rang. I quickly got up and walked toward the door and opened it.

Jack:" Hello y/n/n"

Y/n:" Hello JP, come on in"

Jack:" Thnx, where's Jess and MJ"

Y/n:" Late like always 😒...anyways want anything to drink"

Jack:" Nah, I'm good "

Y/n:"Ok, then lets just wait for the two love birds to show up"

Both JP and I sat down on the couch and watched some cooking competition show that was on. It had been 25 minutes since JP arrived at my house when I suddenly heard the doorbell, so I got up from the couch and went to open.

Jessica:" Hey gurl"

Y/n:" Hi Jess"

Mason:" Hello y/n/n"

Y/n:" Hey MJ"

Jess:" Sorry we're late but we were at MJ's parents' house"

Y/n:" It's fine don't worry about it, come on in JP is already here"

Once they got inside, I led them to the living room where JP was patiently sitting on the couch waiting for us, and we sat down with him.

JP:" So, y/n/n what is the reason you asked us to come over to your house"

Y/n:" Well I invited you guys over because you'll never guess who I hung out with yesterday"

MJ:" With who because it was definitely not us"

Jess:" Did you go out on a date with a cute girl"

Y/n:" No, even better"

JP:" What can be better than going out on a date with a cute girl"

Y/N:" Well, in my case is hanging out with Jenna and Emma"

Jess:" WAIT!! Jenna and Emma as in Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers we all met at the party last weekend"

Y/N:" Yup"

MJ:" That's cool and how did it go"

Y/n:" It went amazing"

JP:" Ok, that is better than going out on a date with a cute girl, so what y'all talk about"

Y/n:" We just talked about our jobs and just overall get to know each other better"

Jess:" I'm happy for your bestie, who knew you were going to meet your two celebrity crushes and hang out with them"

MJ:" Not me that's for sure"

JP:" Changing topics, you guys wanna go out to the movies today or something"

All: "Yeah"

Y/n:" I'm just going to put on some shoes on and we can go"


As I was putting on my last shoe I got a call from my dad, which I'm glad I answered.

That was the end of chapter 3. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.How's everyone's day/night going?

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