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(3rd Person POV)

It was March 22nd which means it's been a year since your mother got killed by the members of Miguel's mafia, a little backstory about Miguel he used to be your father's best friend and partner in crime they where really close to say the least if you didn't know about their friendship you would assume they where brothers since they knew everything about each other and had grown up together, but over the years everything changed they stop talking to each other, apparently Miguel loved your mother like he never loved anyone else before but unfortunately for him your mother didn't feel the same way towards him since she loved your father, after your father and mother had gotten married nobody heard or saw Miguel ever again he didn'r even show up to the wedding , that was until last year when he broke into your parents house where they where sleeping, when your father finally woke up to his surprise he was  tied down to a chair while your mother was no where to be seen.


Miguel: "Well good morning Mark, long time no see, how have you been?"

Mark: "  Miguel what are you doing here and where is my wife "

Miguel: " I've been good thnx for asking...bring in his wife boys"

The two guys that where with Miguel enter the room a couple minutes after Miguel had instructed them and had your mother with them while one of them was pointing a gun at her head.

Mark:" What are you going to do to her?"

Miguel: " I'm going to kill her"

Mark: "Don't you fucking dare or else-"

Miguel:" Or else what, you can't do anything  to protect her this time if you're sitting and tied down to a chair, all you can do is watch as she gets killed"

Mark:" Let her go and kill me instead"

Miguel:" NEVER!"

Mark:" Why are you doing this?"

Miguel:" Because if I can't have her then no one will"

Mark:" Please don't fucking do it, I'm begging you "

Miguel:" Hahaha look at you begging for your wife's life, you're so fucking pathetic, just sit still and enjoy the show"


Miguel:" SHUT TF UP MARK!!.... Becky (the name of y/n's mom) any last word you want to tell Mark before you die"

Becky:" Yes....Mark promise me to take care of the kid's and promise me to stay strong not for me but for our them, I Love You"

Mark:" I- I promise, I Love You too and always will"

And with that Miguel gave the orders to the guy to pull the trigger of the gun and kill your mother and so he did.

End of flashback

After that day your father became cold hearted since a pice of his heart was gone just like your mother, all he could think about since that day was to seek revange towards Miguel for what he did to your mother and for making your brothers and you suffer her lost , but his goal was to return the favor 3x worst first he was going to kill Miguel's mother, then his wife, and finally his son the death of each person was going to be dedicated to you and your brothers.

This is the end of chapter one, hope you guys enjoyed reading it...I'm sorry if it was kind of a short one I'll try to make the other ones longer this was just kind of the backstory on what heppened to
Y/n's mom  and why she wasn't listed as one of the characters of this story.

( Ly all stay safe and make sure to stay hydrated <3 )

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