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(Y/n's POV)

It's been 2 days now since my dad died and I feel like shit, I haven't really been wanting to do anything but lay down in my bed all day, but J&E don't let me they say that I can't let Mike see me like this but at this point I don't fucking care. 


Y/n:"Who is it?"

Kevin:"It's me Y/n, Kev"

Y/n:"Come in"

He walks in and walk up to my bed where I'm sitting down at"

Y/n:"What are you doing here?"

Keving:"Jenna called and told me that you have been refusing to get out of your room"


Kevin:"Because her and Emma are worred about you, I bet that you haven't notice that Mike has been leaving with me"

Y/n:"What? Since when?"

Kevin:"Since yesterday, but that's doesn't matter y/n/n what matters is you, I know that our dad's death is fucking hard, but you can't keep leaving like this and hide in your room forever"

Y/n:"Yes I can"

Kevin:"No you can't, you got to get out of this room and keep leaving life, I know it's hard right now but the more you stay in here by yourself the more it will hurt"

Y/n:"I know but-"

Kevin:" But nothing Y/n, now get up from that bed and get yourself ready"

Y/n:"Ready?For what?"

Kevin:"Our dad's funeral it's today, don't tell me you forgot"

Y/n:"No. I didn't forget"

Kevin:"Ok then, I hope you also remember to wrte yur speech that you will be giving at the funeral and the song"

Y/n:"Yeah I did"

Kevin:"Good, now I'll be downstairs waiting for you"
Once we arrived at the funeral, we met some close family and friends as well as some of my dad's most loyal and trusted men. And ofc Kevin had to make me talk first at the funeral.

Y/n:" I would like by first saying welcome and thank you all for coming today with us as we say our last goodbye to Mark L/n who was a great father, brother, son, cousin, uncle, friend, and boss. I remember when I was just a little girl how he was the one to teach me how ride my bike and when I would fall he would help me get back up and say that it was ok to fail sometimes but not because we do means that we should give up instead we have to keep trying until we succeed, I also remember that when mom had died he always made sure to put on a happy face for us even though he was hurting, he always made sure that my brothers and I had everything we needed, he was always putting his kids first before him, and that's something I truly admired him for. As I'm standing right here right now and talking t you all, the memories I made with my dad are coming back to me and make me realize how much he loved, cared, and supported me throughout my life, I'm not going to lie how bad these hurts to do, because even though I knew this day would come I didn't imagined it coming so soon, I just hope he is happy now wherever he is as long as he's with my mom once again. With all this said may you rest in peace dad I love you"

After we all said our speeches, it was time for me and the band to perform the song.

(Play video on top)
After the funeral we all went back home to get some rest and for the first time in many months of my relationship with Jenna & Emma they slept with me in the king size bed in my room. It's like they knew I needed comfort from them, and they gave it to me without me having to ask them. I guess that's why I'm so in love with them.

This is the end of chapter 14. Btw Tysm for 3k reads I am truly grateful for your love and support, it means so much to me you guys inspire me and motivate me to keep writing. Love you all <3. Also one more chapter left and this story comes to an end.

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