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(Y/n's POV)

After I had finished cleaning up the house and cooking dinner, I heard the doorbell ring, so I went and opened the door and saw that Jenna and Emma had arrived.

Y/N: "Hello guys and welcome, please come on"

J&E: "Hello"

After they walked in, I led them to the dining room.

Y/n: "Feel free to sit down wherever you guys would like, I will go get my lil bro and then we can have dinner"

J&E: "Ok"


After dinner Emma helped me clean up the table while I washed the dishes and Jenna took Mike up to the room and got him to fall asleep.

Emma: "Y/n can I ask you smth"

Y/N:" Yeah sure go ahead"

Emma:" Ok I don't want to sound rude or anything but why is your little brother living with you"

Y/n:" It's ok you're not being rude, the reason why my lil brother is living with me is because of his health"

Emma:" Oh ok"

Y/n: "Why the question"

Emma: "Just out of curiosity that's it"

Jenna: "Ok Y/n I was successful in putting Mike to sleep"

Y/n:" Thank you both so much for your help, I appreciate it"

J&E: "No problem y/n/n"

Y/n: "Ok before you two have to go I have something to show you guys, come on follow me"

I led both down to my basement where I had all the awards I and the rest of the members of Overdose won and where I have my private music studio at. 

(What Y/n's music studio looks like)

Y/n: "Welcome to my basement also known as my work zone"

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Y/n: "Welcome to my basement also known as my work zone"

Emma: "Wow"

Jenna: "So what's the thing you want to show us"

Y/n: "This"

I turned on the monitors and opened a file, showing them the album cover art I'm working on as well as the track list for the upcoming album.

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