His Smile

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The next morning, Link was ready to head out to Castle Town. He noticed the same man opening y/n's store. He walked over and asked if y/n was there. "No, she's not here right now. She's in Castle Town fixing a few things up at the store. I'm just helping out for a couple days here. I'm her...friend."

The way he paused to think about how to describe himself in relation to y/n made that stirring come back to Links chest. He didn't know what it was but it was bothering him. "Did you need her for something?" Link shook his head and walked off to get Epona. Jay watched him leave and narrowed his eyes at him.

Link set off and reached Castle Town as the sun was setting because he made a couple of stops along the way. He left Epona somewhere safe and walked in. He spotted y/n's shop after a bit of walking around and searching but saw she was closed for the day. He let out a sigh of disappointment. He walked around aimlessly as the sun went down and the town grew dark. His thoughts filled his head and suddenly the silence felt too loud. He walked back to her shop and slid down the wall and sat on the floor. His knees were pulled up and he rested his arms on them. He felt numb. Being a hero, it's not all as fun and great as it sounds. It takes a toll. He sometimes wished someone knew him. Sure, everyone back in Ordon knew him as he was before but sometimes he feels they can't truly understand him on the level he wants. Not even Ilia. He reached into his bag and pulled a cloak on and threw the hood over his head.

He sat there, alone. Alone with his thoughts that seemed to consume him.

"Are you okay?" A voice cut through. He instantly felt a safe feeling from it. He looked up and saw y/n. He cleared this throat and nodded. She sighed and sat down next to him. "You're not dangerous, right? I can't exactly see your face." He laughed. It was the first genuine laugh he's had in a long time. "No. I'm sorry. Do you want me to sulk somewhere else?" Then, he heard her laugh. "No, you're okay here. Sulking, huh? You want to talk about it or do you wanna sit here in silence?" He was surprised she didn't make a comment about him. She must've not recognized his voice. He usually mumbled or muttered when he spoke to her so his clear voice might've been unrecognizable to her.

"Do you ever feel like you have to keep up appearances?"
"Yep. All the time."
"Yeah...I don't have a necessarily hard life or anything but I feel like I can't show my emotions anymore. I'm either too sad or too angry or too happy. I'm too much."
"I feel like I have to be perfect for everyone. Everyone is expecting so much from me. I feel like I can't let my guard down."
"Well, you can. At least with me, right here, right now."
They sat there next to each other, shoulders touching and the silence taking over. Just this time, it was comforting. It felt peaceful. He'd never felt peace like this, not even in Ordon. He felt like he could stop pretending. Even if it was just for these few minutes. "You can always come back here, if you want. We can sit here and talk and look at the stars. You don't have to tell me who you are if it helps with the whole appearances thing. You can come with your hood on and we'll just relax here. No expectations, no worries, no real questions."

He smiled. "That sounds nice." She sighed heavily and looked down at her hands. "Yeah...it does." He thought for a moment. "You're not always here, though."
"No, I'm not but I can tell you where I'll be and when. I have a schedule. Should anything change...I don't know how I'd tell you then. It would ruin the anonymity. I guess you'll just have to be disappointed should that happen." He scoffed, playfully. "Right, I'll be incredibly disappointed."
"You know you will." They both laughed. "I haven't felt this...okay in a while. I don't think I've even talked this much in a really long time."
"You don't like talking?"
"I just feel like there too much I have to do and keep up with. I have too many responsibilities and worries. I feel like if I talk, I might let everything out and then everyone will be disappointed in me or just resent me for feeling this way."
"That's sad to hear. You don't have to worry about that with me. Talk all you want, I'm here to listen."

They sat there in each others company for almost two hours and simply spoke about everything and nothing before Link stood up to take his leave of her to let her get her rest. "Thank you. I really enjoyed talking with you."
"Of course. I enjoyed it, too. Will I see you again?"
"Same time tomorrow?"
"You got it, mystery man." He laughed at his nickname. She stuck her hand out for him to shake. He took it and when their hands met he felt a spark between them. Their hands lingered in each others for a few moments before she pulled her hand back with a nervous laugh. "Goodnight."
She walked into her shop and he stared at the door. 'Talking to her feels so easy. I wonder if she'd be this open to talking if she knew it was me. No...I don't want to her to know it's me.'

The next night, Link came with his hood on and waited outside for her. She opened her shop door and saw him waiting for her. "Hey! You came!"
"Of course. I said I would, didn't I?"
"Yeah, but you never know."
He laughed and took her hand. She looked at him with a blush. "I wanna take you somewhere."

They walked out of Castle Town to a secluded spot in Hyrule field where you could see the sky so clearly. The stars looked bright and big, and the sound of the lake was soothing. "This is beautiful. Do you come here a lot?"
"Sometimes. Usually when I want to just not think about anything."
"Well, I'm honored you brought me here."
They laid down in the grass on their backs and stared at the stars. He was careful that his hood was adjusted and his face didn't show.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"I had a weird run-in with the hero- sorry, Link today."
"Oh...really...what happened?"
He knew exactly what happened.

-Earlier in the day
Link decided to approach y/n as himself to see her attitude towards him after the last two interactions they had. It was a few minutes away from closing and the shop was empty. She was sweeping. He walked in and she turned and met his eyes. A blush formed on both their faces. "Hi, umm...how can I help you?"
He walked a bit closer to her. "Do you...have any oil? And arrows?" He mumbled.
"Yes, I do. Do you need a bottle of oil or just a refill on your lantern?"
"Okay, and how many arrows did you need?"
"Just a few. Like 10."
"Alright, well I can take your lantern and fill that up for you."
He handed the lantern over to her and their fingers brushed each other as he gave it to her and his face went completely red. She saw this and gave him a questioning look. "Sorry..."
She just shook her head and laughed a little. She filled up the lantern, got his separate bottle of oil, and his arrows. He paid and as he was gathering his stuff, she spoke up. "I'm sorry, if I made you uncomfortable when I referred to you as the hero. I feel like I hit a nerve." She looked down. "It's fine. I just want you to know me for me..." He trailed off. She looked at him, a bit shocked, and smiled. She walked around the counter and stood in front of him.

"I'd love to get to know you. That way I'd know you as Link, a friend, and not as the Hero." He gave her a smile and nodded. She reached her hand out for him to shake. He took it and felt that same spark again. Their hands lingered in each others. They stood there, entranced. He was looking down at her and his gaze lowered to her lips. He found himself unconsciously leaning down before he heard her clear her throat and then saw her look away. They pulled their hands away and he muttered a goodbye and rushed out of the shop. She was left confused and flustered. 'I barely met this guy and here he is, almost kissing me. That wouldn't be a good idea.' Even with these thoughts, the blush and smile on her face said otherwise.

Links face was a deep shade of red but she couldn't see that. "I mean, I just met the guy and here he is acting like he's gonna kiss me. I don't even know him past what I've heard about him and the fact that he's pretty quiet."
"What would you have done? If he would've kissed you?" He waited anxiously for her answer.
"I don't know. Maybe...kissed him back? I mean, he's not a bad looking guy. He's cute. Handsome. Everything everyone says and more. Although, his eyes...they're gorgeous. I get lost in them, if I'm being honest with you. I shouldn't talk about him this way, I don't think. I don't know him. But, his smile. Goddesses, his smile...it kind of makes me melt when he smiles at me. Knowing that he's smiling because of me? That might make me weak in the knees." She giggled a bit and he laughed. She couldn't see, but just listening to her gush about him,

Link had the biggest smile on his face because of her.

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