A Promise

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It was like a blow to my stomach. I felt my breath escape me, the feeling of emptiness in my lungs. I took a step back and another. I turned my body around and slowly walked away towards the spring. I nearly fell over trying to sit down on the ground once I reached it. I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head down. It was a shock I couldn't wrap my head around. However, no tears fell. My chest felt tight, my stomach felt like a pit, my body shook slightly, my hands were balled up into fists and my arms wrapped around my head atop my knees, my throat felt like a knot, my head even felt it was beginning to pound a bit, but no tears fell. It was a like a relief and a betrayal, a dream and a nightmare, all in one. The two people I cared for the most and trusted were the same person, there was no more hiding, no more running off, no more feeling torn between them. Yet, there was something festering in me. He lied to me, he went behind my back, he hid it from me. He used the advantage of me not knowing to fix problems, to find things out. 'I even told him my feelings for him right to him without knowing.'

Embarrassment hit me full force when I realized how I gushed about him nearly every night right to his face. I sighed and picked my head up. I looked at the reflection of the moon and stars across the spring. I watched the ripples in the water and stretched my legs out. My hands fell down to the sand and I tried to collect my thoughts. 'I want to leave. I want to be alone for a day, at least.' I knew, though, that I couldn't leave in the dead of the night. I completely laid down in the sand, my eyes fixated on the midnight sky. I remembered how it looked in the twilight. Dark, silent, still. There was always a fear looming over everyone that the return of evil was fated. We just didn't know how it would return to chase us away in this lifetime. While I was afraid of the possibility, I assumed it wouldn't happen again. I reached my hand up to the sky and looked at the scar along the back of it. The day they attacked, I went to make sure my friend was okay. I couldn't do anything but throw myself in front of her to protect her. I was lucky they swung wrong and only got my hand, but they left a nasty cut. It healed well, but left a mark behind.

I finally got myself up and headed back to the house. Rusl was there, still awake on the couch. "While I know you can handle yourself, staying out so late is still a risk." I smiled softy and sat beside him. "I know, I'm sorry. I was just...thinking."
"Want to share those thoughts?" A silent laugh left my lips, even though I felt uneasy from the shock still.
"Do you think we should forgive everyone who wrongs us?"
"I think we should always try. Give them a chance to explain, let them say their piece." My eyes were focused on the fire, my mind began to wander as his words settled. "Maybe..." I muttered. He clasped his hand down on my shoulder, gently. "Think about it. Im sure whatever's eating at your brain right now can blow over and repair itself with a bit of understanding." I nodded. "I think I'll be setting off a couple of days early. I'll be ready early in the morning."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I think a day or two of some silence might help. I've heard a bit about a couple of treasures scattered around Hyrule, I think I might be interested in a little quest."
"As long as you'll be careful. I'll have a bag set out for you, some food, basic essentials."
"You don't have to."
"I want to. Now get some sleep."

I didn't try to say anything to convince him otherwise about the bag. I laid down on the couch and threw the blanket over myself. My eyes felt heavy and I drifted off faster than I expected.

That morning, a bag was set next the couch where my sword was. My shield was next to it, as well. A simple metal shield. I had left it here the last time I came to visit. My lips turned upwards as I grasped the handle of my sword. It was a nice blade. A clean, sharp red and black blade with a black handle. It has two dragon claws on either side of the top of the handle and two smaller ones on the bottom. It has a black sheath. At the hilt of the sword, two daggers were sheathed into it, the handle of them being a dragon. How my family came to be in possession of this blade is beyond me. It was given to me by my parents before the twilight took over. 'Maybe I should go see them...' I chewed on the side of my cheek as I thought of seeing my family. I hadn't seen them since before the twilight. A full three years had passed and I hadn't even so much as sent them a letter letting them know I was okay. I fixed my gear on myself then picked up the bag and slung it on my shoulder. I walked out to see Rusl there with my horse. "Thought I'd get her ready for you." I pet her mane softly. "Thank you for letting me stay here."
"You're always welcome." I hugged him and then hopped onto my horse before setting her into a trot. As I left the village, I caught Ilia in the corner of my eye. I simply waved goodbye to her and she returned it. I finally reached the entrance and sucked in a big breath, hoping in my mind Link was still asleep.

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