Don't Leave My Side

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We rode off to Castle Town to pick up what I needed and I thanked Hylia he was with me because I wouldn't have been able to bring it all back on my own in one trip. As we loaded everything up, May watched us. She gave him a hard stare, but she smirked over at me when I passed her. "So, I'm guessing the crisis has solved itself?"
"Shut up, May." She giggled at me and threw an arm over my shoulders. "Come on, Y/n, spill!"
"Nothing to spill, May. He's just helping me take this to the shop."
"Uh-huh. Whatever you say. You'll tell me, eventually."
"Yeah, yeah. I left your pay in the shop behind the counter." She hugged me and bid me goodbye, then walked back into the shop. I rolled my eyes and made sure we had everything. "Alright, I think we can get back to the village." He nodded at me and we headed back to Kakariko. The ride back was silent. I didn't know what to say to him. I figured he didn't either because he didn't try to initiate a conversation.

We finally got back to the shop and Jay came out to help me. He and Link, again, had a weird staring match before Link tore his eyes away to look over at me. "I'll meet you by the spring." He nodded and I went inside with Jay. "Okay, this should replace everything and be enough for the next couple of months. I might have gone overboard."
"You sure did bring a lot. Not planning on coming back for a while?"
"Nothing like that, just want to be on the safe side. Although, I'm thinking of going on a trip."
"You should, you're always working. Take some time by yourself." He emphasized the last two words weirdly but I didn't pay it any mind. "I'll see you when I get back, Jay. Thank you for always being a good friend I can count on. You and May are the best." I gave him his pay, as well, and left. I walked to the spring where Link was already waiting for me.
"I want to take you somewhere."
"Again?" I gave him a suspicious look while he just laughed at me. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to our horses.

We got onto our horses and rode off into Hyrule Field. I followed him in the direction of Ordon and my confusion grew even more. However, we didn't go into the village.

Rather, we headed into another forest. We rode into a clearing where a man sat by a fire, his hair resembling a bird's nest. With actual birds in it. Link motioned for us to leave the horses here. "What are you doing?"

He then told me about some chests in the temple that we could find. "We?"

He gave me a nod and a smile. He grabbed me by the wrist gently and led me to the gates.

We entered and he let me go. As we walked in, he took out his lantern and we walked through. We went in slowly and watched out for any small critters that came at us. We found a couple of small chests with some rupees and seeds. "Okay, disappointing. Let's just go into the temple." I said and followed him in the direction of the entrance. As we entered, small keese flew at us and he quickly sliced at them. 'The Master Sword, he doesn't have it. He must've returned it.' As I thought about the sword, Link slid his other sword into its sheath and shot a few seeds at the spiders on the wall and we climbed up the entrance. As we got in, a skulltula came towards us. Link pushed me behind him and got rid of it. "Okay, we should be fine for now." He walked off after I said that and I went the opposite way. I took my sword out in case any keese or dekubabas were around. I only found some rupees in some pots and one small chest with some more seeds. 'I swear, there should be something better here.'

I walked to find Link. He gave me a look that said he found nothing, as well. We continued into the temple. I had a bad feeling about the temple. I don't know why but I felt as if the walls would cave in on us or something. We kept looking and found a purple rupee which was exciting but not much else. He shared his disappointment and asked if there was anything else I wanted to do.

"Not really. I do kind of want to go to Lake Hylia, though."

As we made our way out, I didn't notice the bombling that spied us and walked over. "Ow!" It hit me and Link turned to hit it. It began to set itself off and he threw it away from us. It exploded and I heard cracks. I looked up and saw the cracks go up the wall and then spread across the ceiling. "Link, we have to get out of here!" I grabbed his wrist and ran off. "Wait! Look out!" He stopped me and grabbed my arm, pulling me into him. His other arm wrapped around me, his hand holding the back of my head and pushing it to his chest as he backed me into a wall. Rocks fell where I was previously standing. Once the shaking stopped and the dust settled, I calmed down from the shock. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked down at me. "That blocked off our exit." He mumbled and moved his gaze to the fallen debris.

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