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The Correct Music For The Following Scene
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They got their meals & began eating.

While they ate, Ryūji said "So, What Was It Like On The First Day At Your New School?"

Taiga sat quietly & nervously. Ryūji stared at her more then hesitated "Uh.. Taiga?"

As soon as he mumbled that sentence, Taiga replied "I Slapped Someone In The Face" sounding disappointed in herself.

Ryūji: W-What!? He exclaimed.

Taiga: I Got Suspended... she said with the same low tone with her head still down in her plate looking disappointed.

 she said with the same low tone with her head still down in her plate looking disappointed

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She awaited a response from Ryūji, but as seconds went by fast she didn't hear anything.

She eventually looked up at him, only to see him looking at her in shock with his movement on pause as he had a knife in 1 hand & a fork in the other hovering over the juicy meat he was about to dive into. Ryūji's face didn't have on a definitive disappointed look but Taiga took 1 look at him & started giving excuses.

Taiga: It Wasn't My Fault!! He Was Picking On Me! As she raised her voice in a convincing manner. She didn't raise it to the point of disturbing tables nearby in the restaurant.

Ryūji sighed with a smirk out of humor then asked "You Like To Start Trouble Everywhere You Go..?" As he resumed slicing his chicken into tiny parts.

Taiga: Hey! I Said He Picked On Me! I Really Tried Being Nice This Year..

Ryūji listened as he giggled in his mind & smiled in reality while he still cut his chicken.

Ryūji: Uh... You Said You're Being Nice This Year.. What's That About? Cause I've Realized You Being Pretty Meek Since You Got Back. He asked curiously.

Taiga: Don't You Remember Silly? She's said after a short pause.

The Correct Music For The Following Scene
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Put It On Repeat.

Ryūji: What?

Taiga: It's That Gift You Got Me Last Christmas.. I Promised I'd Be A Good Girl For The Rest Of The Year... But... When I Went To Fix Things... I Didn't Have Anything To Remember You By... So... Because Of You... I Decided That I'd Be Good This Year Too.  I Guess It's Because I Missed You, A-A Little.., But Sometimes Things Just Get Thrown My Way To Make Me Do Crazy Things.

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