The Special Surprise

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The Next Day .

Ryūji slept in late.

As his eyes opened, the only thing that was in his view was Taiga on top of him

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As his eyes opened, the only thing that was in his view was Taiga on top of him. It seemed as if she woke him up. The sounds were a little hazy for the first few seconds. Then it became clear.

Taiga: Ryūji!! Wake Up! You're Gonna Miss Work!

Ryūji: Uh? Huh!? As he jumped out his sleep into his consciousness. Oh. Sitting up in the bed holding his head as if he had a headache. I Forgot To Tell You... I'm Staying Home Today.

Taiga: W-Ryūji You Can't Continue Ignoring Work Days Like This, They Can Fire You!

Ryūji: It's Fine, It's My Day Off Today.

Taiga: Oh.

Ryūji got out of bed & freshened up. He went into the living room & he casually looked at the clock on the wall. ("Ughhh... It's Seven In The Morning. I Can't Go Back To Sleep Now. Why Did She Have To Wake Me Up This Early. It's Suppose To Be My Day Off.") He said sounding drained. Taiga walked into the living room a bit late then he asked.

Ryūji: How Are You Even Up So Early?

Taiga: Are You Kidding!? It's Almost Christmas! And I Have Plans Y'Know. And Our Wedding Is In A Week! And Kitamura Is Coming! And Minorin! And Everyone Else... And I Need To Get Gifts! And We Have To Throw A Party! How Can I Sleep!?

Ryūji: (Taiga..) Woah.. You Really Weren't Kidding When You Said You Had Your Plate Full.

Taiga: Ryūji I Want This To Be Perfect.

Ryūji: Really?

Taiga then got dressed to go out in a few minutes. Buttoning her coat Ryūji said "I Hope You're Planning On Coming Back Soon"

Taiga: Why? You Gonna Miss Me?

Ryūji: Well, There's A Storm Coming.

Taiga looked up in fear then said

Taiga looked up in fear then said

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Taiga: B-But I-I Need To Go Out.

Ryūji: Wait You Didn't Watch The News Last Night? It's A Hurricane. But It'll Only Be Here For A Few Minutes.

Taiga: Stop Twisting Your Words.. Is It A Storm Or A Hurricane? Well, Which Is It?

Ryuji looked at Taiga confused with his mouth opened a little.

Taiga: Wai- Don't Tell Me You Don't Know The Difference.

Ryūji: I, Uh..

Taiga: Who's The Klutz Now.

Ryūji: What!? How Does 'That' Make Me A Klutz!?

Taiga: Informing Someone With Wrong Information Can Lead Them To Make Wrong Decisions. She said confidently.

 She said confidently

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Ryūji: Fair Point.

Taiga: What Am I Gonna Do Now? As she leaned on the window to look outside into the cloudy sky.

Ryūji: I Don't Know, I'm Just Glad I Don't Have To Go To Work In This Weather.

Taiga sighed softly in discontent.

Half An Hour Later                             .

Taiga sat at home, bored, waiting on the storm to pass

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Taiga sat at home, bored, waiting on the storm to pass. The storm was now overhead, keeping everyone inside. Ryūji just sat in the living room watching the Television. Taiga turned around & looked at him, she saw his face & it looked nervous but when he looked back at her she didn't pay it any mind, instead she asked "I Thought You Said The Storm Would Only Be Here A Few Minutes."

Ryūji: Yeah. It Should.

Taiga sighed & rested her head back on the chair arm. Just then, the sound of the rain stopped gradually but quickly.

She jumped up quickly as a dog would when getting their food

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She jumped up quickly as a dog would when getting their food. She didn't change, she never took of the clothes she was planning to wear out so she just jumped out of the couch, gave Ryūji a quick kiss on the cheek, grabbed her bag then ran through the door screaming "I'll Be Back As Quick As I Can" to Ryūji.

As the door shut, Ryūji smiled, got up & stretched every inch of his body reaching for the ceiling. He then thought to himself ("Gotta Get This Done Before She Gets Back.") He then ran into their room, grabbed a box on the top of their closet then ran back out. He then started preparing his scene, he opened the box & grabbed pink, red & purple petals that was inside the box & threw it on the ground. He made the petals in a walkway from the door to the living room.

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