Wedding Dinner 2

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The toasts were finished & everyone started to dig into their meals. That's when Minori stood up slowly, but confidently, & knocked a tea spoon onto her wine glass to get everyone's attention.

Minori: Before We All Start Eating... I Would Like To Say A Few Words, Thank You. Taiga Has Been My Best Friend For As Long As I Can Remember. We've Been Through Thick And Thin Together, And We Still Stay Together Just Like The Stars Orient. Taiga smiled at her & Minori began to smile back. As We Went Through 2c We Hung Out With Ryūji Takasu And We All Became Close, Especially Taiga And Ryūji. She Found The Love Of Her Life And He Found His. She said as she smiled even more. What I'm Trying To Say Is, Am Incredibly Happy That My Best Friend Found Love And That I Am Still Apart Of Her Life To See This Beauty Of Love Unfold. I'm So Happy For You, You Really Deserve This. She said staring straight at Taiga, then sat back down as taiga looked at her in awe and still smiling at her from her words. The crowd applaud softly.

Another min went by & that's when kitamura got up & did the same as he began his toast.

Kitamura: Ryūji Takasu Is My Best Friend. He's A Really Chill Dude, Even Though He Doesn't Look The Part. He's One Of The Best Guys I've Ever Met And I'm Sure Taiga Feels The Same, That's Why They're Married Now. Isn't That Right Taiga? He asked. Everyone laughed a bit while Taiga smiled a bit & Ryūji awkwardly stared with a smile.

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Taiga Aisaka- Or Taiga Takasu Is The Girl To Whom Everyone Was Scared Of In High School, Except Her Close Friends That Really Knew How Caring She Can Be

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Taiga Aisaka- Or Taiga Takasu Is The Girl To Whom Everyone Was Scared Of In High School, Except Her Close Friends That Really Knew How Caring She Can Be... But She's Still Pretty Mean. He chucked a bit along with all of his friends & Ryūji. But She's A Good Friend. Taiga And Ryūji Can Compliment Each Other's Personalities In Multiple Ways But They Can Also Make Others See The Other Side Of Them, Congratulations To The Bride And Groom Once More. And A Toast To Taiga Takasu... And Ryūji Takasu.

Kitamura sat back down through the applause. Then Ami stood up. The noise level reduced quickly as she stood up, captivating everyone with her beauty.

Ami: Ryūji Takasu, The Daddy Of The Group. The classmates started to laugh. And Taiga Takasu, The Palmtop Tiger. The classmates laugh again. Were The Inseparable Duo In High School, And Even Though They Were So Close, No One But Me Saw Them Getting Together In The End. They Both Are Two Amazing People That Are So Deeply In Love.. That Whenever They Go Somewhere Together Their Love Shines Brightly, And Even Though Taiga And I Were Always At It In School I've Always Admired Her Little Midget Attitude. Am Happy For My Two Friends. So A Toast, To Mr An Mrs Takasu. She said yelling the ending a bit loudly.

Taiga looked up at Ryūji in a bit of confusion & shock.

Taiga: Did Ami Just Said She Admired Me?

Ryūji: I Think She Did. He said as he smiled at her confused also.

Throughout the next 10 minutes, a couple of people gave their toasts as well. And that's when everyone started eating & barely said a word, the only noise that could be heard is the sound of the forks, knives & spoons being hit on the plates. They ate their main course for the next 30 minutes, then the waiters & waitresses came back & collected the dinner plates, wine glasses, juice & the rest of the food.

They refilled all the water jugs & brought out dessert & wines, MOSCATO, for everyone.

Taiga: That Was Delicious. Thank You, Ryūji, For Making Them Prepare My Favorite Meals.

Ryūji: It Was No Problem At All. I Want You To Enjoy This Day At Its' Best.

Taiga: It Tasted Very Similar To Yours.

Ryūji: Really, As he smiled. I Thought Mine Tasted Better.

Taiga chuckled & Ryūji joined in.

Taiga: Do You Know What They Are Serving For Dessert?

Ryūji: They Are Giving Everyone A Menu To Choose From. But I Made Them Make Crepes And Cheesecake For Us Because I Know Just How Much You Like Them. Oh! And An Upside Down Orange Cake Because You Seemed To Really Liked It When I Made It.

Taiga's face lit up brightly.

Taiga: Y-You Remembered That? As she blushed. And Of Course I Loved That Cake, It Was Delicious.

Ryūji smiled as he said "I Find It Hard Forgetting The Things You Love."

Taiga jumped

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Taiga jumped.

A group of waiters then came up to Mr & Mrs Takasu's table with 6 plates of crepes. 3 different types of crepes on each plate & a slice of Cheese Cake on their table.

Taiga: Ryūji! She shouted but not loud enough for anyone to hear but him. You Remembered The Type Of Crepes That I Like As Well.

Ryūji smiled as he said "MmHmm, Now Eat Up."

They both began eating together & then Taiga tasted the wine.

Taiga: Mm. This Is Sweet, Taste It Ryūji.

Ryūji tasted it & said "It Really Is" with a smile on his face. Taiga ate a little of each then looked at Ryūji & said "Haaaa.. I'm Stuffed" as she rested her head on his shoulder. Ryūji slowly leaned down & kissed her on her head top. Taiga blushed but Ryūji couldn't see it.

Ryūji: Did You Enjoy Your Dessert?

Taiga: Yes I Did, Thank You.

After about 10 minutes of dessert & chatter, everyone was up out of their seats, talking & some was getting ready to leave. Mr & Mrs Takasu received their last congratulations from everyone & had a few more small conversations. And that was the end of their wedding.

They hopped into the limousine & it drove off.

During the drive, Taiga realized that the driver took the straight when he was supposed to take the left turn to take them home.

Taiga: Uh... Ryūji? He Missed The Turn.

Ryūji: I Know, We're Gonna Take A Detour.

Taiga: Wha- Why Didn't You Tell Me? Detour To Where?

Ryūji: It's A Surprise, Trust Me.

And the limousine drove off into the distance towards the gloomy night sky's horizon under the bright, beautiful & twinkling stars.

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