Chapter 1 - Meeting him

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I'm walking on the beach while sobbing and talking to myself.
It's night time so I did not expect someone to be at the beach, I quickly glance at the person sitting by the water while walking past.

"Fucking asshole, breaking up with me over text.. stupid, stupid asshole." I mumble.

"Hey, no need to be mean." The boy on the beach says, I look at him perplexed, why would I be talking to him?
"Dude, do I look like I was talking to you?" I answer, kind of harsh. I usually try to be a decent person, but today has not been the greatest day.

"Who else would you be talking to? I'm the only one around." He laughs. His laugh is pretty, it sounds full of joy. I stare at him for a second, the moon shining on his face and outlining it perfectly.
He has full lips, blue eyes and his hair falls in his face like it did on Jack in Titanic.

"I was talking to myself. I'm pretty interesting, you know?" I can't help but chuckle at that, wiping my tears away. He laughs, this time a bit louder and more confident. He gestures me to sit down, so I do.

"So, what is a pretty girl doing at the beach alone?" He says, laughing, "thats what they say in movies, isn't it?" I just nod, my good mood from 10 seconds ago already leaving me.

"I needed to clear my head, I guess. My boyfriend broke up with me over text." I answer, harsher than I expected it to sound.

"Ah, so he's the asshole you were talking about?" I nod in response. For a minute neither of us say anything, until he hands me the joint in his hand. I hadnt noticed the smell, but now it was obvious that it has been there. I look at him, debating wether or not he seems safe enough to take a joint from.

On one hand, he looks really pretty and I just got broken up with.. so there isnt really a reason to second guess my decision. I take the joint from his hand and inhale deep, it scratches my throat and I cough. "Mhm, never smoked before, huh?" He says, grinning.

I shake my head, "No, but it seems like the perfect night to start."

I dont realize how much time is passing by, we were both just sitting there and staring onto the ocean, smoking the joint. It was a comfortable silence, I did not feel the need to speak and I think he knew I needed the silence.

"So, now that we shared my joint I feel like we're close enough for me to ask you a question?" He looks at me, waiting for an answer but I just stare at him. He is really pretty. I think he is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen in my entire life.

"Depends on the question." I answer, still looking at him. He's mesmerising.

"Actually, its not really a question. Just tell me about him, and why you decided the beach was the right place to clear your head." He looks at me with his dreamy eyes, I should not trust a stranger with my ex boyfriend, but I feel safe around him. He looks at me in a way that tells me he is a safe person, he won't laugh or leave me.

Screw it, he's a stranger, right? I probably wont ever see him again.

Mystery of Love - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now