Chapter 6 - Getting to know him

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For the next two weeks we met up every night.

We started bringing more than just alcohol and weed, he started bringing food and I brought some blankets to sit on and also to wrap around us, because even though it is summer it still gets chilly at around 3 AM.

I started looking forward to our nightly meet ups. We decided it was fun to be mysterious and strangers, not knowing each others name. It kept things light, because even when we talked about our fears it didn't feel scary since we were strangers, we were never going to be friends, we would never judge the other person. We'd only meet at night, in a way keeping the other at distance.

Sometimes, during the day when something happened I wanted to tell the pretty stranger about it, wanted to text him or send him a photo - but I knew I'd be able to tell him at night.

Maybe I was so used to telling Jeremiah everything and all the time that I was looking for a substitute. I haven't seen him after I picked up my stuff, I'm not even sure he is still in Cousins. I haven't really told Pretty boy about anything depressing after he told me his mom has cancer - I feel like it's my responsibility to make him laugh, to make him forget about something so horrible.

I haven't told my friends about Pretty boy. He's my little secret. Besides, my friends would call me crazy for hanging out with the same guy every night without even asking for his name.

But I liked it this way, and I think he does, too.

I know almost everything else besides his name, I know where he goes to University, I know that he lives in Cousins Beach and isn't just there for vacation, I even know his favorite candy.

Sometimes I think I'm imagining him, that one day I'll wait at the beach and he wont show up and I'll wake up from this dream that I am having.

Would I still be with Jeremiah if I woke up?


Thank you for reading this story! I'd love to know your thoughts on it since I havent written in a reaaally long time! 

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