Chapter 11 - Him and the salty air

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"Juliet." I fluster and turn my head, its Conrad. He's standing behind me, holding his joint in his right hand and looking at me, smiling slightly. "I did not expect to meet you here tonight." He says, stepping besides me and sitting down.

I don't say anything, I can't find any words to say. This is an absurd situation. I grab the joint from his hand and start smoking it. He laughs - god, have I missed hearing that. Conrads laugh fills your body with joy.

"I didn't expect you to be here, either." Is the only thing I can think of saying.

"I've been coming here every night." His laugh quiets down, "I expected you to be here the first night, so we could talk. But you didn't come, so I stopped expecting you."

Knowing he was here for the past three days hurts, it has become our thing to just sit here and talk.. and imagining him to be alone hurts. "I'm sorry," I stop a for minute, trying to find the right thing to say, "I didn't know if you wanted to see me again.. or if I wanted to see you again." I sigh, he starts to open his mouth but I keep talking, "We had this thing, which was just us, no one else knew about it. We didn't even really know who the other person was.. and then I find out you're my ex's brother.. it kind of changed something, it's hard to look at you now and not think about him."

Neither of us says anything for what feels like an eternity, until I decide to continue, "But it also feels like nothing has changed. Sitting next to you, sharing a joint.. it feels like the first time we met. I still feel like I can tell you everything, talking to you still makes me feel better."

He nods, "Yes. I know. Its weird." He looks at me, "I really started to dislike your ex, wanted to punch him in the face if I ever saw him, you know?" He lets out a quiet laugh, "But now it's my brother and he.." He stops speaking mid sentence, I dont say anything. The salty air hits my nose, now that I can relax a bit more.

"Jeremiah still likes you, you know? He told me." Hearing him say that sends a sharp pain trough my chest. "I dont want to talk about him." I say, because I really dont, "This is about our friendship, Conrad. I dont want to think about him. This thing between us may have changed a bit, now that I know he's your brother but.. I still think we should be friends. I feel like we both need this, you know? You're going trough something major right now, I can't let you do this alone."

I stare at him, not being able to read his emotions. The waves are reaching our feet, it's kind of cold outside - neither of us brought a blanket. "The first night I met you," he starts, staring onto the ocean. I know he's trying to avoid eye contact because you're barely able to tell we're at the beach, if it wasn't for the waves and the salty air we could easily be at a park. "You were crushed because Jere has just broken up with you.. and now you dont care that he still likes you?" His head turns slightly to me, but he catches himself and looks down.

"He still cheated on me. I can be sad about this breakup but still know that he wasn't good for me, to me. I should have realised when he cheated the first time." I look at him, hoping to read his emotions. The moon is hidden by clouds tonight, it's not as bright as it is usually.. I can't see all of his facial features. I wish I knew what he was thinking. "I dont care. I really dont fucking care that he still cares about me - because if he did, would he have cheated?"

He finally looks at me, "No.. he wouldnt have." He shakes his head, looking away again. "I forgot. Seeing you here tonight, I just wanted to tell you he still likes you.. making you smile, you know? Giving you some good news. I forgot everything else."


I'm not really happy w this chapter so ig it took me some time to upload lolol 

Mystery of Love - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now